So, what do we all do for a living?!

Started by Bryancd, November 06, 2006, 11:37:44 AM

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Wow, what an interesting group! I am glad to be a member (just signed up yesterday).

I am an attorney in New York City (Queens County). I handle criminal defense and immigration matters.


Welcome aboard Lemnoc.  Oh, I love the avatar.  That's "Lost in Space" - I think.


Wellllll...up until last week, I was doing a "practice" retirement.  I was unemployed for 2 months.  Does that qualify as a dream job ?   Doing absolutely nothing ?  :)

Like quite a few on the forums, I work in the IT field.  My current position is heading up a group of developers both here and in India (off-shore).  I direct the standards, procedures and best practices for the development as well as prototype solutions.  I work in our imaging group where we convert hardcopies to scanned images.   I've worked on various platforms and have worked with PC's for almost 15 years.  Programmer, designer, teacher, front-middle-back tier -- done it all.

My dream job would be to own a software company.  :borg


Quote from: Lemnoc on February 18, 2007, 11:36:29 AM
Wow, what an interesting group! I am glad to be a member (just signed up yesterday).

I am an attorney in New York City (Queens County). I handle criminal defense and immigration matters.

Welcome Lemnoc.  What a cool job.  We do come from all sorts of backgrounds don't we?  Welcome aboard, I hope your travels are fun!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week

Movie Sean

Great Thread!

I'm a promotional coordinator for a small movie theatre chain in Nor. Caliofornia.  I've done everything you can do at a movie theatre from bag popcorn to running a 16 plex.  Much better job now though.  My job is to get more bodies in the door.  I get to do fun stuff like see movies early, get lots of cool movie stuff and talk about movies at work.  Who else can watch movie trailers as legitiamte work research? 

I am going to school (for the second time, ick) to get a BS in Business Administration. 

I feel the pain a few pages back on the Calculus, all I had to take was Baby Calculus and I couldn't stand it.  I can't imagine what the hard science major's have to do. 

Dream job....hmm.....running a small store, maybe a comic book shop or game store.  Or building computers.   Something nerdy for sure.

Call me cocky, but if there's an alien I can't kill, I haven't met him and killed him yet.


I'm a communication student in Ada Oklahoma.  After graduation, I hope to work on productions in hollywood.  Maybe I'll get to work on a trek movie!


Welcome space invader!  Sounds like an awesome goal to have! I hope reach it.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Welcome also - always good to learn more about our fellow member/geeks here!


I'm a freelance Art Director/Graphic Designer working primarily in the pharmaceutical advertising industry. My specialty is web/multimedia. I'm moving more toward motion graphics and video these days. I ultimately would like to develop my own product as a means of making a living and exercising my creativity. You can sample some of what I do at:

You can also join me as I re-live my youthful exploits at:


welcome!  What a cool set of websites.  You are talented!  Good to have a fellow graphics geek aboard!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week



Like many I am an 25 year IT professional.  :lamo


Cool reading what everyone does for a living. Until recently I spent the last seven years working for a local university in the environmental health and safety field, after spending two years as a chiropractic assistant. EH&S is an interesting field but the work load became too much for me (long story). I suffered severe acute clinical depression for about 6 months last year and I decided I needed to do something else with my life. So, I started my own lawn maintenance service company and am making about as much, or more, as I was at my former job and way less hours. Since not sitting at a computer for 10 hours a day anymore I started losing weight and have dropped about 30 pounds in 3 months so far this season. I hope to lose another 30 before the season is over in November. In seven years at the university I gained 70 pounds! I really feel better and healthier than I have in ten years! Anyway, I found that having a job that does not require all my mental faculties through the day that I am enjoying my off time more by doing the more cerebral things I love. It used to be I was so mentally fatigued at the end of the day I could hardly think and concentrate once I got home. Now my mind is clear fresh, unless I have a little too much wine! :biggrin I try not to overindulge in drink anyway because I prefer a clear headed mind.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Whelp, I am also an IT geek. I work at integrating large scale networks, Novel, Microsoft, Linux environments. My job is getting them to all "get along", which is challenging at times. I've been doing this kind of work for 20+ years, and before that was in the good ol' AF working on Flight Simulators.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Everyone sounds so interesting, it is no wonder why you guys are Star Trek fans! I have said it before...and I will say it again: Star Trek fans are smart people.

As for me: I am a free-lance writer, screenwriter, producer, blogger and overall dreamer. Basically...I guess one word for me is "film-maker" or even DoubleThreat. DT is a nickname given in the business to people who will write and produce their own work.

Dream Job: Executive producer in Hollywood. I would also like to be *the* guy to revive the Star Trek TV series when the time comes. But I am sure everyone says that!
