Dragon Age: Redemption

Started by Geekyfanboy, February 15, 2011, 07:52:02 AM

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Never been hugely into Fantasy shows for some reason, don't know why, might be because I like the science and tech of sci-fi too much and I find the enormousness of Fantasy worlds hard to digest.

I should really watch the LOTR movies shouldn't I?


Felicia Day was on Jimmy Fallon and they premiered the trailer for Dragon Age: Redemption..  couldn't embed the video here but you can go to my blog and watch it.





Dangelus, you should watch the LOTR trilogy. I'm not into fantasy as much either but those movies were AWESOME!! I even bought the extended versions that have tons & tons of extras!



Quote from: Geekyfanboy on February 15, 2011, 08:11:49 AM
You guys this series is going to be EPIC.. I got to spend a day on set and it was AWESOME!!!

Small world, Kenny. I was just talking about this show with a dude named Ed on another forum; turns out he knows you! Had nothing but good stuff to say; what a cool guy you were and how much he dug his interview on your podcast.  Something about falling out of an elephant?

Anyway, Dragon Age looks pretty cool.  I gotta check it out! :)


Quote from: WillEagle1701 on February 17, 2011, 02:36:57 PM
Dangelus, you should watch the LOTR trilogy. I'm not into fantasy as much either but those movies were AWESOME!! I even bought the extended versions that have tons & tons of extras!

It's on my list. :)


Really awesome.  Can't wait!



Comes out in October 11th.. it was just announced..

Felicia announced that her character is the lead in the next Dragon Age Game, this was the plan all along, to introduce her character in the webseries and then carry her over to the new game.

Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin

Here's the trailer..




Felicia does look awesome in that photo, great stance, if you know what I mean. Ahem


Kenny - thanks for the info.  Any idea why they just put out an animated trailer at this point?  Do you think we will get another live action trailer before the series starts?