HBO's Game of Thrones

Started by Bromptonboy, August 18, 2009, 06:17:55 AM

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Good points and interesting thoughts Pete.  Not sure I agree with your thoughts on Snow - but who knows.


Wow, what an episode.  Brutal!
[spoiler]Saw that coming with Jon Snow, but so did everyone else![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Roose Bolton knew one day Ramsay would kill him..[/spoiler]

[spoiler]That big body guard is going to come in handy.  Brutal how he killed that jokester[/spoiler]


Ramsay has now surpassed anyone else in level of evilness.


Looks like we might get the much looked for answers on Jon Snow's parentage next week..any thoughts?
[spoiler]I have always been convinced Jon Snow is Ned Stark's nephew - the son of  his sister Lianna & Rhaegar Tragaryen.[/spoiler]


No idea on Jon Snow as I have not read the books and there is little go on based on just the TV series.


Well, the biggest cliffhanger from the last book was resolved, so we know that Jon Snow will continue as part of the books and show.  You're pretty much up to date with the rest of the book reading world Rico.  The biggest fan theory out there is what Pete is referring to there, although it wouldn't surprise me to see GRRM change things up just for a laugh.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Quote from: Jobydrone on May 13, 2016, 07:54:53 AM
Well, the biggest cliffhanger from the last book was resolved, so we know that Jon Snow will continue as part of the books and show.  You're pretty much up to date with the rest of the book reading world Rico.  The biggest fan theory out there is what Pete is referring to there, although it wouldn't surprise me to see GRRM change things up just for a laugh.
As long as Tyrion makes it to the end...  :0


Wow!  What an episode!

[spoiler]I saw that look in Dany's eyes and knew things wouldn't turn out well for the Khal's![/spoiler]


Yeah - good episode!  Things are starting to take shape.


Wow - what an episode!
[spoiler]I always wondered what happened to Hodor - 'Hold the door!'[/spoiler]

And about the Children of the Forest!
[spoiler]That doesn't seem to add up with what I recall reading - but maybe I am mis-remembering something.  I thought the white walkers appeared only when the Children and First Men were already at peace.[/spoiler]


No ideas really since I haven't read the books.


"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Wow, that was a bit of news to be certain!
[spoiler]I always thought that was Jon Snow's origin.  how did varys get back and forth across the ocean so quickly?  Queen Cersie!  wow[/spoiler]


The last couple of episodes have been crazy!  So, now we wait....


Yeah, I think the books are going i a diff direction, but heading to the same destination.  Can't wait for both.