Make It So...

Started by davekill, October 08, 2007, 10:33:41 PM

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The podcast "Make It So" recommended by John from Russia (johnsemlak) is terrific!

If you like British imports and want a candid look into their culture, you'll love these Trek commentary's from our cousins across the big pond.

Be warned, the language can get a little rough. Still a nice addition to "Treks in Sci-Fi".

"Join us every Monday for some of the most brutal discussion that Star Trek has ever had to endure. Three die hard fans and the Trek we love."



Yea...I would say the language is unnecessarily rough. They do have some interesting discussions though and I find some of the insights hilarious.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I tried their podcast, before I found Rico's, and I didn't stick to it for that reason. Call me a prude but it's like someone scratching their nails on a chalkboard to me.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Same here Jen... didn't like all the Trek Bashing. I listen to Trek podcasts for the love of the show.. not for every little nitpicky fault. But to each his own...

Warren Berry

If I remember right, somebody described "Treks in Sci-Fi" as similar to NPR. In comparison, "Make it So" is like talk radio in America. TiSF tries to inform an audience while MIS (Make it So) tries to provoke discussion on Star Trek, both the good and the bad.

The language in Make It So is crude but it is not Trek bashing. It takes a more critical view of Star Trek while admiring it.


Definitely room for both in the podcast-sphere.  All try to keep the TREK dream alive!

P.S.  Welcome Warren!


I gave it a try a week ago and though I'm a prude and still don't think the fbomb needs to be dropped I have found several of their episodes to be hilarious. Particularly their episode about crazy fans. Loved the rival costuming gangs idea.

They just mentioned this thread on their latest show and began listing the things they love about Star Trek. 
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on October 09, 2007, 10:55:02 AM
Same here Jen... didn't like all the Trek Bashing. I listen to Trek podcasts for the love of the show.. not for every little nitpicky fault. But to each his own...

I think they devoted this entire show to making it right with Kenny -  ;)

Their "Movies You Should See" pod cast is real good too, and more family friendly


Quote from: davekill on November 06, 2007, 08:15:51 PM
I think they devoted this entire show to making it right with Kenny -  ;)
Their "Movies You Should See" pod cast is real good too, and more family friendly

LOL... guess I should listen to it. What show number is it?


Episode 53..."Why do we love Star Trek".  It just came out.


Well, since I did recommend this podcast, I suppose I'll defend it against some of its criticisms...

I sort of see where the 'trek-bashing' comment stems from, but honestly, probably 50-75% of the trek conversations I've had over the years, no matter how much love I have for the show, have involved comments like "I can't stand Wesley", or "That's so unrealistic", or "Not another time-warp episode", or some debate about whether an episode is consistent with ST continuity.

As someone said above it's a critical look at ST but with admiration.

As far as the language goes, I actually debated about whether to warn about the language when I recommended Make it So in my audio clip.  It doesn't bother me on the slightest (in fact, I confess I like the swearing) but I understand it's a matter of taste.  But really, I don't think there's much language in Make it So that that isn't common in standard Hollywood fare.

As always, to each their own.

Also, I really appreciate the non-American point of view.  I suppose that's from having lived outside the US for so many years.


oops, mispost


Really it's more than just language... they have made some crude remarks as well. But their show is marked explicit for that purpose, so if people don't like that sort of thing they can avoid it. As I said, I find several of their episodes really funny. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I didn't know about them until they were mentioned on the podcast.

I get annoyed with their comentary episodes because they fear paramount legal and don't include any episode audio. They are wimps.

But I like their POV and subjects.  And they can be really funny. I am a more of a fan of TNG and DS9 than the others and that is their focus.

I listen to Rico's the day it comes out and Make it so later in the week while comuting.


I guess that explains why they called me a "cheeky bastard" for all the audio I use.  Honestly, there are Star Wars, other Trek casts, music shows, etc. all that use audio clips.  I'm not worried at all.  Most of these companies realize the fans that do these things are the best free advertising they have.