Make It So...

Started by davekill, October 08, 2007, 10:33:41 PM

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Ryan F

I was a big fan of this show for a long time.  I don't mind swearing, and I enjoy a good, funny, adult discussion.  I see why it would turn some people off, too.   To each his/her own....

However, the show has really been in a rut for about a year now.  It was increasingly disorganized (and a bit repetitive).  So, I'm glad they're going on a break.

I agree that Mike Dawson was a big part of the show's success and the handling of his departure was immature to say the least.  But I'd highly recommend those first 50 episodes or so to anyone who doesn't mind R-rated, not-so-serious content and enjoys a good laugh.


Quote from: Ryan F on September 08, 2009, 11:50:37 AM
I'd highly recommend those first 50 episodes or so to anyone who doesn't mind R-rated, not-so-serious content and enjoys a good laugh.

That's OK if you can get them but as they've been pulled from the feed and are now only available on CD, I'll probably pass on them.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.

Ryan F

Quote from: Feathers on September 08, 2009, 12:03:36 PM
Quote from: Ryan F on September 08, 2009, 11:50:37 AM
I'd highly recommend those first 50 episodes or so to anyone who doesn't mind R-rated, not-so-serious content and enjoys a good laugh.

That's OK if you can get them but as they've been pulled from the feed and are now only available on CD, I'll probably pass on them.

d'oh!  I guess I was listening mostly in 2007-2008.


I was thinking about the whole swearing thing. I swear worse than a sailor. It's not that my intellect or vocabulary is in any way stunted, but words that I choose to use. I've always thought it was the hight of stupidity that any word could be a bad one. I've never understood the need for banning or labeling a word as bad when someone could do far more damage to someone by stringing together a seemingly harmless string of words that can be far more biting than any swear word that someone might utter.

I've personally made grown men, who have done something to disappoint me, cry by talking to them without any use of swear words. My father can do it far better than I can. I think when he actually swears it takes the sting out of what he's saying. It shows that there is some emotion other than total and utter disappointment.

I think any time you label a word as bad or something unacceptable, you give unnecessary power to that word and fuel the fires that make it seem like a bad thing. I think that all of my children know almost every swear word in the book. They don't use them. Not because it's a bad word or anything, but because the words aren't anything special.

Also, just from a science perspective, swearing actually reduces pain according to a few recent studies. I think one of the 60 second science podcast touches on that very research. And yet another reason why I'm not really offended by words.


Hey Chris I totally understand your view on swearing but to me swearing just makes you sound unintelligent, less educated. But to each their own, I don't swear and I don't like listening to people who do. That's the main reason I don't like this podcast.. besides the fact that they bash Voyager and Janeway...  :)


I think one issue I had with this podcast when I listened to some of them was the language too.  I'm ok with some swearing, but given it was about "Star Trek" it just seemed out of place to me.  Trek has never been really like that.  Even the most recent movie kept the swearing to a minimum.  I guess I also try to not use it and certainly not on the podcast.  I know it's just words and I also think if you tend to use foul language a lot that after awhile there's nothing left to use if you get really mad about something!  ;)