LOST - Season Three, second half (might contain spoliers)

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 18, 2007, 05:32:31 PM

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I'm not sure -- why would he say "Help me".   Maybe Ben is able to hold him there ?   Why the animosity toward a flashlight ? :)
I'm already preparing myself for all the questions that will remain after the finale.  Rumor is someone is going to die - most bets are on Charley but I hope not.   I was reading in TV guide Rose and Bernard will be on this week.  Kind of wondered what happened to those two.   The logical explanation JJ insists is getting harder to believe.   I'm sure Kirk/Spock will be in the finale  :metallica:


Yeah, I agree Mark.  I'm having a lot of trouble with JJ saying everything has a logical, scientific answer.  But I am enjoying the shows a lot more lately.  Not exactly sure why Ben shot Locke.  He seems to like Locke a lot since John seems more "in tune" with the island than anyone else.  One thing I was a bit disappointed about in the last episode is not real answers about the whole Jack/Juliet team up.  More on that next week I guess.  Just happy Jack seems more like his old self now.

P.S.  When Ben helped gas the Dharma group, where was that girl friend of his - what was her name?  Did she die too?


Definitely, the pacing has really picked up.   As good as season 1.   On Ben's little friend -- would that be Rousseau ?   :shocked 
Was she a member of the Dharma group ?   All I recall is that she was one of a group of scientist who crashed on the island.   If she is a member of the Dharma project, she has not been entirely truthful.   Big 2 hour finale next week.


By the way, does anyone recognize Alex (Bens daughter) from another long running show on FOX ?   She was in maybe 6-8 episodes and played the lead characters quirky "little" girlfriend.   I wasn't sure it was her until I checked her filmography on IMDB.  Just wondering if anyone else noticed.


I was speculating that maybe Richard might come to Lockes aid. As he does not seem to be totally in line with Bens wishes.
I am also wondering if next year, we mayget more flashbacks on Ben and maybe find out what happend to the Girl he liked.


Watched the episode --  I really hope this is not one huge double-cross.   All the pregnant women go off with J/J while all the people who can handle guns are on the beach ?  If I was Ben, I think I can afford to lose a couple of hired guns to get all the women.


Quote from: markinro on May 16, 2007, 08:49:40 PM
Watched the episode --  I really hope this is not one huge double-cross.   All the pregnant women go off with J/J while all the people who can handle guns are on the beach ?  If I was Ben, I think I can afford to lose a couple of hired guns to get all the women.

Wow.. I didn't even think of that. I hope that is not how the story will play out.

I really enjoyed this episode.. I thought Charlie was going to die for sure, but then Desmond said he was going to take his place but then Charlie knocked out Desmond and I knew he was going to die and then he survives and I knew he wasn't going to be alone.

Can't wait for the two hour finale... looks like it's going to be really cool. 


I think the girl in the Looking Glass that had the gun was Annie. And it may well be a huge double cross. And I think I'm leaving class early next Wednesday to watch TV.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Yeah that is who I thought it was when I saw her.. but I wasn't sure. Also did you catch that it was Sayid's girl Nadia that Charllie saved from the mugger!!!


I THOUGHT SO! We sat there for a while going "Where do we know her from?" lol
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Nadia ?  Really ?  I thought she was killed by the interogators.  Have to watch it again tonight.   I don't recall - who's Annie ?
This is all just a really clever way to get people to buy the previous seasons on DVD :)


Isn't her name Annie? Ben's little girlfriend from his flashback episode?
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Nadia is alive and well, and living in America last we saw here.   While Locke was a gas inspector or something he ran into her.  :)

I dunno what to say.  This show is so good.  And I'm going totally spoiler free into the finale.  I have no clue what i'll do when it goes off until February.   

I am hoping, that Jack is still evil.  I don't dislike him, I just think it would be better drama if Jack was double crossing and triple crossing and quadruple crossing everyone.
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting.  It is not logical, but it is often true." - Spock


I am really pumped for next weeks season finale. I must admit I missed picking up on Nadia. I never even thought of a double cross, but that would be interesting for sure. As well they seperated Jin and Sun, as Jin stayed behind as one of the Gunmen.
I really liked Charlies story last night as well. I did not think Charlie would die, as it seemed like the Obvious thing to do, as they had been building it up. I was thinking that Desmond would die for a minute there when he said he would go.
Interested to Find out more about the Looking Glass. I suspect that the people in it have been stuck down there, since the Sub was destroyed a few epsiodes back. So it will be interesting to hear more about it.


Quote from: JoSpiv on May 17, 2007, 06:58:38 PM
I am hoping, that Jack is still evil. 

Jack is most assuredly self-important and ego-driven, as many surgeons seem to be, or at least are portrayed, but why do you think he's evil? What has he done to deserve that assessment?
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.