Joss Whedon New Show - S.H.I.E.L.D.

Started by WillEagle, August 28, 2012, 08:06:05 PM

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I found a article on Comicvine that says the new Joss Whedon show for A.B.C. is based on Shield! I'll post more later.


link to story.

They didn't mention a timeframe for the show so they mentioned a possible return for Agent Coulson if it takes place before the movie.


This would be interesting. I guess this may be where they got the rumour about the show not being based around super heroes but we might see cameos.

Doubt they'll be able to get Samuel L. Jackson to sign up for this unfortunately.


Could be interesting. Not at all the direction I thought the show would develop but it makes sense.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


They could have cameos of many characters but even Iron Man in his suit. And there are alot of characters to choose from. Matbe they could get Jackson just to do voice work like giving the agents missions. That could be cool. I do hope they keep it around the time frame of the movies. 



As long as it stays on ABC and away from FOX, I'll sleep easy.



Woohooo.. ABC just announced that this pilot was picked up for a series next fall.. released a cast picture.. can't wait.



The only problem this show will have is that Coulson is in it. This will keep it dated pre Avengers unless he goes after the first season....


Dan - you know that no one ever stays dead in the world of comics.  :)


Quote from: Dangelus on May 12, 2013, 11:03:21 AM
The only problem this show will have is that Coulson is in it. This will keep it dated pre Avengers unless he goes after the first season....
It's no spoiler because it's part of the series notes. This takes place after the Avengers Movie.


Darn, I was kind of hoping the rumors about Coulson being reborn as the Vision were true.  Guess not.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


You never actually saw Coulson's dead body in the movie, did you? Entirely possible that Fury asked a favour of him (and his Captain America trading card collection)?  They needed the push, after all...

Looks more and more interesting as we see it fleshed out.