Star Trek : The Exhibition (formly known as The Tour)

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 05, 2007, 11:41:20 AM

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Wow, that Q pass is incredible...

not sure if anyone posted this yet but Wil Wheaton posted a short entry about the Tour and added some pics to his Flickr.

QuoteWhen I was a teenager, I got tired of sitting in this chair really fast. As an adult, though, it brings back only fond memories. Seconds before this photo was taken, I typed my fingers across the Okudagram, using the same series of commands that I made up to send the ship to warp speed.

Yes, I was such a geek, I invented my own fake logic for driving the spaceship. When you're sitting there saying 'Aye, Sir,' for hours at a time, you've got to do something to keep yourself entertained, right?


Man; I wish the tour was heading my way.  I think I'll have to plan on driving to Indy to  see it.

I found this clip of Wheaton as Crusher and Russ as Tuvok on the U.S.S. Titan.  Looks like it will be pretty amazing!

The whole tour reminds me of Star Trek: The Experience.  (Man; I need to visit that again as well!)


Just got back from day one all I have to say is WOW.. that a unbelievable experience.. 305 pictures in three hours.. I actually filed up my card, I didn't realize I choose the second largest photo setting. Luckily I get to go back Saturday and Sunday so I can take more photos. We also took about an hour and a half of video.

I called in three reports to Rico hotline.. I hope they were clear enough to play on one of his podcasts.

You walk in and the first thing you see it a saucer section of the crashed Enterprise D which btw is AWESOME. There's video of various Star Trek clips playing and various Star Trek music playing in the background. Even before you enter the exhibit you can see models of various ships and also a very cool and large model of the Enterprise A. There are so many cool things to see.. so many props and costumes from all the series and movies. Videos playing everywhere. The TOS bridge, TNG bridge (that was my favorite), Picards quarters (AWESOME), TNG Sickbay, TNG  Transporter room and TNG Engineering. What is great is you can actually walk on to the TOS and TNG Bridge, You also can be transported on and off the transporter padd. There are two simulators, one is an actually shuttle craft and they other is also a simulator but it only fits two people and it's so much more fun. We did do this today but there is a scene from TOS that you do against a green screen and they put it on DVD for you. Also something else that we plan on doing on Sunday is there is an audio tour you can do.. each prop and costume has a number on it, if you type in the number you get a bit of info about that item. They also have a gift shop with some pretty cool things and a food placed called of course Ten Forward (don't look anything like the read thing). The last thing you do before you leave is the Titan experience. It's a 360 kind of video presentation and simulation with Will Wheaton and Tim Russ.

All in all a fantastic experience. I think you would be able to get everything done in one day but it's much more enjoyable when you are not in a hurry and can look at every detail of every prop and costume. We head back tomorrow with friend bright and early.

If this comes to your town it's a must see for any Trek fan... well worth the ticket price.


Oh my goodness!  That looks and sounds INCREDIBLE!  Man, what a treat.  Great pictures Kenny.

How much does it cost to go to this?

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I love the pic of you and the Guardian Kenny! Too bad Harry couldn't have gotten a pic of you jumping through! Will they even let you do that? It looks like you both had a great time and I'm jealous! I can't wait till it comes to Dallas!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Looks great Kenny.  Was it crowded?  Love the pictures.  I'll make sure to use your reports this week on the podcast.  Thanks for sending them in!


Looks like a great time. I can hardly wait until this comes to a city near me. Thanks for sharing the pictures Kenny and your observations


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Man, that is sooo cool!!!  ;D :o ;D   Have you guys checked out the Titan sim/show yet?  I'd like to hear what that was like. :)


Just got back from day two.. so much fun. Today Harry and I joined up with three other friends. We did the Green screen TOS scene and they put it on DVD. We were renegade Kahn followers and we high jacked a Klingon bird of prey and attacked the Enterprise... it was a lot of fun. Took more photos of us on the TOS and TNG Bridge. Took another 250 photos and about another hour of DV footage. We also did the Titian 360 experience. It was a lot of fun. It was good to see Will Wheaton back on uniform.

Here are some more photos.. I'm going to work on getting some for the video up soon.. I'll post a link when that happens.. .but for now enjoy the photos..

Tomorrow we take the audio tour and take more photos and video.


More photos


Great job with the photos Kenny!
Thanks for posting so quickly - can't wait to see your video clips when they're ready  :metallica:


Great pics Kenny! Especially the one of you and Harry in the transporter. Thanks for sharing!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Well just got back from Day three of Star Trek the Tour... it was hard to leave.. we pretty much did everything a few times, took over 1200 pictures (about 800 are decent) and took about three hours of video.

Today we did the audio tour.. about 2/3'd of the props and costumes have numbers next to them and if you do the audio tour they give you a little "wand" with a key pad. You type in the number and hold it up to your ear and you get a little tidbit about that item. Most of the stuff I already knew as I'm sure most of you would as well.. but if you are not an uber fan then it's very informative and both Harry and I really enjoyed it. Look about an hour and half to listening to everything.

This was a fantastic three day adventure. It could have been done in a day, you can see and do everything in a day but we enjoyed going back again and again.

Here are few more pictures.. I'll be building a webpage for my website and plan on posting up some of our video.. we got some great stuff.