Started by Rico, June 28, 2008, 04:58:01 AM

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I did!  It was tough getting to actually play but I probably spent about 90 minutes with the Monk class and a few more minutes with a Witch Doctor as well.  I found it fun, but very very easy.  I mean, no challenge at all.  I know it was early levels but there was absolutely no chance of dying, so it was kind of boring.  I don't think I completely understood the way abilities worked either.  It seemed like you could only have one ability in each "category" usable at one time, and with the Witch Doctor, I could not figure out how to use a melee weapon or bow when a spell ability was mapped to the left mouse button.  I did report one bug, so felt my contribution to the beta was made.  Other than those things I enjoyed the game and will definitely be buying it next month.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


The "easy factor" will be mitigated by the choice of difficulty when you play the actually game.  I think the actual game will have three levels of difficulty - maybe 4.


We'll be ordering a few copies - stepson wants the collectors edition.  I have to check my list and check it twice... :)



Tried to get online.   First you get an error code 37 - servers are busy.  Oh, you need to setup a battle code so it will kick you out if don't have one.   After all that, you get past code 37 - wait a few minutes then you get error code 3006 timeout.


Go back to bed!  It's always like this at launch. 


I always feel bad when people take days off work for things like this, launch day and even launch week of any game with an online component tends to be a bit of a wash.



This only continues to prove my point about unnecessary DRM for games....

In any case, quite a bit of chatter about the login screen on Twit/FB today lol

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Quote from: Rico on May 15, 2012, 04:56:36 AM
Go back to bed!  It's always like this at launch. 

Carol has to be at work by 5 so I went to bed at the same time.  No big deal.


Game is working well tonight.  Really enjoying it so far!  Made a little Rico wizard.


Honestly I think my experience with the beta soured me a bit on jumping into this right away. None of the new characters thrilled me with originality or uniqueness, and I have a huge backlog of great games I still need to finish. I'll probably pick this up eventually but I don't see a Diablo clickfest in my near future for now.  I know I saw only about two percent of the game because I played so many different characters during the beta so there's a lot more to this game than I know about. For those that get into it have fun!!!
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I've always loved the simplicity of Diablo.  I love a good dungeon crawl - very old school D&D.  Can't wait to be home and play some more tonight!


I'll defintiely be picking this up, probably not this month, but soon! I love me some Diablo :)