Star Wars reboot - could it work?

Started by Dangelus, March 05, 2011, 12:29:27 PM

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I don't think a reboot would work for Star Wars. The original trilogy was to good. And if we all remember correctly the Star Trek reboot is in an Alternate Timelime. If they hadn't done that I don't think if would have held up as well with Trek fans.


Quote from: WillEagle on March 05, 2011, 07:23:59 PM
I don't think a reboot would work for Star Wars. The original trilogy was to good. And if we all remember correctly the Star Trek reboot is in an Alternate Timelime. If they hadn't done that I don't think if would have held up as well with Trek fans.
I wouldn't say too good. If that was the case, we wouldn't have so many version out there. I love the movies, but I think it was more because they came at a certain time. There is plenty of room for improvements in it. Not just better special effects, but better dialog. Lucas has never written strong dialog and I think a remake would benefit from a tighter script. At the same time, it those oddities in the dialog that we remember and enjoy quoting.

I think that a remake could be done fantastically with the same characters and major plot points. It would also be good to see an episode 4 where Lucas knew Vader's past and future and incorporated it more. He's the Emperor's right hand in 5 and 6 but that connection isn't there in part 4. I'd love to see what would happen if Lucas produced it and supervised a script with the knowledge that came later incorporated.

I just don't know if it would be magic and that's the risk. If it worked, it could be amazing. If it didn't, well ...

I already have a few people in mind for my casting.

Nathan Fillion: Han Solo
Derek Hough: Luke Skywalker
Russel Crow: Obi Wan
Julianne Hough: Leah
Igor Vovkovinskiy: Chewie
Shemar Moore: Lando
Vince Vaugh: Body of Vader



I just know I'd hate watching any kinda remake of Star Wars for the same reason I gave up on the SyFy Being Human. It's just the same thing with slight differences. I'd rather just watch the originals which is just fine as it is.


Russell Crowe? Stand aside Viggo Mortensen is ideal Obi Wan. Russel can't lightsaber fight he'd use a telephone instead lol

Reboot I think is asking too much. A follow up after ROTJ would be cool.


X, as you know I'm not for a reboot, but you do have interesting choices for your cast. I'll admit to not knowing all of them and your choice for!!


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on March 06, 2011, 01:58:52 AM
Russell Crowe? Stand aside Viggo Mortensen is ideal Obi Wan. Russel can't lightsaber fight he'd use a telephone instead lol

Reboot I think is asking too much. A follow up after ROTJ would be cool.
look at bearded russel and he make a fine older beared obi. He also has a lot of training already with sword play. Robin Hood. Gladiator.

If you're not familiar with any of the rest of them, wiki their images and then imagine them in their costumes.


I think Russell would work. He's also got that tone in his voice that would suit Obi.


Quote from: Dangelus on March 06, 2011, 09:36:09 AM
I think Russell would work. He's also got that tone in his voice that would suit Obi.


If I was in charge, that would be close to my cast. Part of my first changes would be to use storm trooper armor. I was always dumbfounded that stormtroopers were taken down with one blaster bolt, pretty much the same as the guys without the benefit of armor. I'd make them less cannon fodder and the armor actually work a bit.

Change 2. Epic battle between "darth" and Old Ben that allows the kids to escape. Ben buys them some serious time because Vader would have just held the ship there while more troopers arrived. Ben becomes one with the force in a hail of blaster fire and light saber attacks.

Change 3 Ben is less clueless than before. He knows who R2 is and he knows the importance. No playing games because he also knows that the fate of the galaxy might depend on the son of his failed student. I'd stream line that so that Luke can get a feel for how much he's needed before we lose ben.

Change 4 - I'd have someone from command objecting to Luke turning off his targeting computer. He still does it and makes the shot, but I think it would be more impactful of everyone didn't silently agree to him ignoring proven tech to rely on the voice in his head.


Man they should hire you for this! :)


Quote from: Dangelus on March 06, 2011, 11:00:20 AM
Man they should hire you for this! :)
LOL! Thanks!

Continuing with the changes I'd make. Someone sets the ship leia is on to destruct. They have to return to their ship. the escape pod is part of the debris that leave the ship, so there is no gunner "saving blaster power" and ignoring the escaping life pod. R2 would launch the pod right before this ship blow and ride the debris into the planet.

I'd add a scene where people in the bar are trying to collect the bounty on the arm chopping old man. Before that, I'd have Han shoot Greedo first, but Greedo, knowing that Han has a partner, wouldn't be alone. Blaster battle in the Cantina, with Obi puting some moves on the others and saving Han's life. This is what gets them their ride. Han doesn't like to owe anyone.

Troopers arrive after the carnage to find out it was a Jedi from the people after the bounty.


Quote from: X on March 06, 2011, 09:38:52 AM
Quote from: Dangelus on March 06, 2011, 09:36:09 AM
I think Russell would work. He's also got that tone in his voice that would suit Obi.

Tone in his voice?? come on did you not hear him in Robin Hood ;) sheesh. "G'day mate whats that lightsaber doing, frying a shrimp"


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on March 06, 2011, 11:37:27 AM
Quote from: X on March 06, 2011, 09:38:52 AM
Quote from: Dangelus on March 06, 2011, 09:36:09 AM
I think Russell would work. He's also got that tone in his voice that would suit Obi.

Tone in his voice?? come on did you not hear him in Robin Hood ;) sheesh. "G'day mate whats that lightsaber doing, frying a shrimp"
His voice would work fine for a reboot. I'm curious why you'd pick and American over a Australian though.


I didn't see where Meds suggested it should be a yank? In the audio drama there was a lot more story regarding the Princess voyage prior to be intercepted as well as all sorts of machinations between Han and the Bounty Hunters in Mos Eilsey. In fact, I vote for a potential ANH reboot to BE the audio dramas, they are great!