Councilman spoke out for gay teens

Started by beer, October 15, 2010, 04:16:27 PM

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Attacking someone is wrong period.
The biggest club you can verbally hit someone with (gay or not) is a gay accusation. It's primal, you don't have to be smart to use it because it works every-time.
Believe me, this is not an attack solely on our gay population - I've been there myself. This hate knows no religious, economic or cultural bounds and can't be reasoned with.
Raising our community's awareness of this issue is the only solution because I doubt you can outlaw this dark-side of humanity.


Quote from: Blackride on October 17, 2010, 08:52:09 AM
Quote from: Geekyfanboy on October 17, 2010, 08:37:48 AM
Quote from: Blackride on October 17, 2010, 05:56:19 AM

Well over 93% of America also says that they are some sort of Christian and less than 2% believe in no God.

I seriously doubt that well over 93% of Americas believe that they are some sort of Christian.. that number is way to high.

mis-type. It's 73%.
It could be 100%, but those very same founding fathers also wanted a separation between Church and State. If they wanted Christianity to run the country, they would have done so at the beginning.

Also, Unitarians are closer to Muslims than they are to Christians. They believe that Jesus existed, but wasn't any more special than any other prophet. They also believed in one god, not the trinity. TJ thought that it would be what most of the US became and his bible took out "the magic" worked by Jesus.  


Quote from: X on October 17, 2010, 09:36:20 AM
Alan, I went to school in both Dell City and Edmond and had to deal with bullies trying to pick on me in Edmond because I was black. I've experienced that sort of cruelty right down the road from you. I was strong enough to fight my own battles and had friends to support me. Believe me that they pick on people to be cruel all over the country. Kids attack with that whole gay thing, not for fun, but because they think it will hurt their targets.

I really hate to hear that.

Looking back the meanest thing I witnessed was a teacher, well a coach.  It was American history class and they were goofing on this kid for having an ugly girlfriend, right in front of her.  And the head basketball coach joined in on her, saying "There are advantages to having an ugly girlfriend.  Maybe she can cook."  A student in his class and the daughter of a board member.