Warehouse 13

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 20, 2009, 02:55:00 PM

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Someone needs to photoshop that and replace Ryan with her borg


Nice. Very very nice.


just saw the episode earlier today.
[spoiler]"trekkies. always crashing the party pretending they're time travelers" :laugh:[/spoiler]
now to find out how to photoshop....


Really cool episode.  This season has been great - as usual.


Second that Rico. Just finished it myself. Awesome!


I hope Jeri Ryan returns sometime too.  She was great and seemed to be very believable as Pete's ex-wife.


Yes it was a great episode. I like the way we get to "missions" with 2 teams now too. It's nice.


Quote from: turtlesrock on August 02, 2011, 04:19:47 PM
just saw the episode earlier today.
[spoiler]"trekkies. always crashing the party pretending they're time travelers" :laugh:[/spoiler]
now to find out how to photoshop....

Haha!  I've totally done that at Renn Faires.  And I've seen other people there in Starfleet uniforms, but I always went in Rennaissance garb.  Some friends and I would make up some crazy away mission and sneak out tricorders and have talks about the "primitive natives.".  Hilarious.  [/spoiler]


I really enjoyed Jeri Ryan in this episode. And I hope she returns as well. She is just so dang pretty!!!!!!!


loved this weeks episode. very clever!
call me crazy but i think i'm starting to like H.G. Wells.


I see what you mean turtlesrock. Her character really grows on you. Just watched Mondays episode and another really good one.


Are they still doing the H.G. Wells spinoff? Sure seems like they are setting this up in this episode.


I haven't watched Warehouse 13 for a while and just started to get back into it this season.  I just saw the most recent video game episode on my DVR and I thought it was fantastic!  I especially enjoyed the nod to Star Trek TOS when they played the original fight sequence music during the fight!  Very cool.
Tuned to a Natural E.  Happy to be that way.


Yep, that was a great episode with the video game made by Fargo.  Claudia as the Princess was awesome too!

Oh, there's a cool Wiki at the link below of all the W13 artifacts.  Check it out!



Rico, thanks for the Wiki link.  I saved the page so I can check out all the details a little later.  My wife & I stopped watching the show because we thought Myka and Pete were boring.  We were thinking that they were a poor substitute for Mulder & Scully and the show was a poor substitute for X-Files.  In fact we stopped watching right after Claudia was introduced.  I guess we just didn't give it enough of a chance.  We will have to go back and try to catch up with the old episodes.
Tuned to a Natural E.  Happy to be that way.