Worst TNG Episodes

Started by space_invader64, October 13, 2007, 08:48:47 AM

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Which ones do you hate the most?  The ones that make you change the channel?

For me it is:

3. Code of Honor
2. Forces of Nature
1. Shades of Grey


Hands down, Shades of Grey.

That was by far the worst episode.

At least I can watch the other ones.

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I can only think of one episode that I couldn't get at least a little enjoyment from-- the episode in which the away team ends up in a reproduction of a casino.  I think it was called "The Royal".  Over all these years, I've seen every episode of TNG at least a half a dozen times, except that one.  I've seen it exactly once; and haven't bothered to look back.


Oh yeah; I forgot about "Shades Of Grey". :thumbsdown
I think I had somehow managed to subconsciously erase that episode from my memory until now. ???

Flashback clip show =  :wallbash:


Shades of Grey

was definitely crap.  I was wondering what there problem was while watching that episode.  I figured they just had to throw something together to fill the air time. 

I had to look up your other two but I can't think of anything that belongs in the same category with Shades of Grey.  LOL

Yeah, "The Royale" was pretty bad.  Still significantly better that Shades of Grey.

Andre Norton does it better than J.K.Rowling


Shades of Grey was a clip show.  As if it didn't have an army of fans watching every frame of the show as it was.  Would have been cool if he would have relived memories from before the show started.

Forces of Nature was a downer and a little too preachey for me.  I am personally not on the same political side as most of the entertainment world, but like TV to raise issues.  This episode didn't try to tell us what to think about like the comperable Voyager episode with the trash ship, but it tried to tell us what to think.

Code of honor was just boring and poorly done in my opinion.

I did really like The Royal.  I'd give that one another try.  Not so much that Riker, Worf and Data are in an early 20th centary casino, but the mystery of the lost ship and what happened to that one surviving human and the aliens building the casinio.  We see his dead body in bed was the most memorable scene in the episode.


hmmm I can't say I "hate" any of the episodes. And as for not watching something or turning the channel that would never happen. If Trek is on the air, I'm watching it. Of course I have favorite episodes that I watch more then others but I have and always will enjoy all Trek.

BTW.. Season Two, the season with the Shades of Grey finale was the year the TV writers went on strike. If you notice there are only 22 episodes that season, the rest have at least 26. Shades of Grey was a way for them to produce another episode that didn't require a writer. As for showing clips before Riker had joined Enterprise that would defeat the purpose of a "clip show".


Well People like Tapestry.  Where is pretty much the same story but instead of clips, Q gives Picard a chance to make things different.  Then sees that things would be better to leave them as they are.

It seems that they didn't have a writer for most of season 2 with episodes like The Child,    The Icarus Factor and Up The Long Ladder.


Yea, force of nature is a bit preachy and it makes Starfleet seem evil...I'm glad they "fixed" the episode with the new warp engines on the Sovereign classes and other classes.  I think the worst episode was...the one with the retarted aliens.  Extremely annoying.  Wanted to kill myself by the end of it.  jk not really.

Tapestry was a good episode I thought.  The icarus factor was a semi-good one.  The child...i lived with it.

King Linksr
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Quote from: Kinglinksr on October 13, 2007, 10:15:21 AM
...  I think the worst episode was...the one with the retarted aliens.  Extremely annoying.  Wanted to kill myself by the end of it.  jk not really.

That was "The Samaritan Snare", right?  The one where the Packleds kidnap Geordi to fix their ship?  Yeah, that one was kind of weak, but not nearly as bad as "Shades of Gray". 

QuoteTapestry was a good episode I thought.  The icarus factor was a semi-good one.  The child...i lived with it.

King Linksr

Tapestry is one of my all time favorites!  Provoking the Nausicans... Picard was a cheeky son of a gun back in the day. :)


"you make things go!"


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Quote from: moyer777 on October 13, 2007, 11:18:46 AM
"you make things go!"


Yes...terrible....just annoying.....I could go on, but why bother.

King Linksr
A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


First 2 seasons and some episodes in the 7th season.  All equally bad so I can't pick just one.  DS9 is the only show I enjoyed all 7 seasons.


The 1st season is painfull!
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


QuoteThat was "The Samaritan Snare", right?  The one where the Packleds kidnap Geordi to fix their ship?


Yeah, that was another really weak one.  I really just tend to forget those.  Shades of Grey is actually the only one that was SO BAD that I remember that it was BAD.   :shootgun:

Andre Norton does it better than J.K.Rowling


The first two seasons had lots of problems from costumes, lighting, color use, etc that got better in the later seasons.

I did like the writing on the first season.  Much of it was the phase 2 scripts written with the new cast.  But I agree that the first season was hard to watch if you (like me) discovered the tv show later and went back and thought, what is this?

I think most fans would agree that the second season was the dvd set with the most duds.