Would you go through with a Betazed wedding?

Started by space_invader64, June 21, 2007, 07:31:16 PM

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If you and the person you were marrying had to be totally nude in front of your wedding guests?

When I saw that episode of TNG as a kid  I thought, no way! The other day, a friend was telling me how much tux rentals and wedding dresses cost.  after that I thought, might not be quite so bad.


If nudity was the cultural norm and it was expected then I guess I probably wouldn't think anything of it. However, I think the human body is a beautiful thing but shouldn't be on public display. My body is only for my wife's eyes only, and maybe a doctor or two.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine



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In a heart beat! I wear Speedo's, much to my wife's chagrin, so why not go nude?! I've always been an exhibitionist ;).


Quote from: Bryancd on June 22, 2007, 07:32:12 AM
In a heart beat! I wear Speedo's, much to my wife's chagrin, so why not go nude?! I've always been an exhibitionist ;).

Too much information! :eekout

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Good for you Bryan... it would depend on who was there for me.. I have nudist friends and have been to events.. at first it's awkward walking around in clothes while everyone else i naked.. but after a while you don't think about it.


No, too much information would be telling you I look good in it, too  :ohbaby

In fact, my wife and I aern't shy and would both go nude! Here we are in New Zealnd after Zorbing in all our almost glory!!!


Yeah if I had a body like that I wouldn't mind walking around in barely nothing :)

BTW... how was Zorbing?? We did a piece on it when I work on Monster Nation.. it looked like alot of fun.


It was a blast! I believe they are trying to bring it to the US but liabiity laws here are a bit more severe than in N.Z. and Europe. Behind us you can see the grass track the ball comes down in. Here we are on the way down.  Sorry about this-  :offtopic


Oh my gosh - that looks like a blast!  Not sure I've ever even heard of this type of thing.  When were you in New Zealand?  I've always wanted to visit there.


For 2 weeks last March, me, the wife, my Uncle John and my brother and sister rented a motorhome and drove the entire country, stopping everyday for a new adventure: Bungee, skydiving, rock climbing, white water rafting, Zorbing, glacier hiking, a visit to Hobbitown and the Lord of the Rings filming locations... the list goes on and on. The most incredible trip in the most beautiful place on earth.

Here's Hobbitown:


All of us in front of Bag End:


The wife skydiving over Edoras!