Would you go through with a Betazed wedding?

Started by space_invader64, June 21, 2007, 07:31:16 PM

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and of course, bungee. Here's me jumping from the Nevis Gorge, 450 feet of freefall, 2nd longest in the world


..and from the Kawauru River bridge, the original home of bungee, also the river seen at the end of FOTR where they see the Agornath was shot here..


Bryan - you really should get out more man!  ;)

P.S.  Looks like you all had an amazing time!



absolutely incredible Bryan!  Go for it man!

You are brave!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com



If it meant I could spend the rest of my life with the lovely Deanna Troi, I would happily get married in just my birthday suit.  ;D
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Quote from: space_invader64 on June 21, 2007, 07:31:16 PM
If you and the person you were marrying had to be totally nude in front of your wedding guests?

When I saw that episode of TNG as a kid  I thought, no way! The other day, a friend was telling me how much tux rentals and wedding dresses cost.  after that I thought, might not be quite so bad.
I don't believe in public nudity, so... no.  The people I would be nude for is my wife (if I had one) or a doctor (exams, opperations, stuff lke that).


Quote from: Captain Jean-Luc Picard on June 30, 2007, 05:31:22 PM
Quote from: space_invader64 on June 21, 2007, 07:31:16 PM
If you and the person you were marrying had to be totally nude in front of your wedding guests?

When I saw that episode of TNG as a kid  I thought, no way! The other day, a friend was telling me how much tux rentals and wedding dresses cost.  after that I thought, might not be quite so bad.
I don't believe in public nudity, so... no.  The people I would be nude for is my wife (if I had one) or a doctor (exams, opperations, stuff lke that).

A prude.....and so young....shame ;)

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Me, a prude? :roflmao Hardly.  I find the Human body to be a fascinating structure and Human procreation to be a fascinating process.  However, I feel that appearing in the nude may act as a visual stimulai for lustful feelings in some individuals.  I'd rather not be the cause of that.


Its only because we have been programmed to wear clothes, that he find partial or full nudity so exciting. If my body wasn't so poorly conditioned, I would have it on show more often.
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

I would argue that we find the nude form so exciting, because we're seeing the sexual organs in addition to everything else which acts as a visual stimulai for lust and the urge to procreate.


I majored in Studio Art and it was a requirement to take a figure drawing class before I graduated from college. Most art students took that course their freshman year...I saved it for the last semester of my senior year because I was so uncomfortable with the thought of eying a nude model. It wasn't the fact they were nude, but the fact that I would have to pay careful attention to every detail for the purpose of my drawings. Though I am not prude, I am a Baptist girl from the Bible Belt, and it did bother me to think I would have to do this. The last semester rolled around and I reluctantly enrolled in the class.

The first model was not the chiseled form I thought we would be drawing, but an old man in his 80's who had practiced yoga for 50 years. He was very fit, but very shrinkly. I found it odd that I would be comfortable with drawing him, but he made it easy. He wasn't at all an exhibitionist and he didn't strut ANYTHING as it was all quite...ummm....old. There were various other models over the months I spent in this class. One of them happened to be a professor I was taking a class from that semester...That was awkward, but over time it stopped bothering me. The only time I felt uncomfortable was when a large woman modeled. It wasn't her size that bothered me...it was her perverseness. On breaks, our models would put a robe on and walk around the room to see the drawings. The large woman would keep her's off, examine the drawings and proceed to tell us that she was a "porno cake maker" and that she needed someone to draw a picture of two penguins "doing it" for a cake she was hired to make. She didn't come back after that. I think the instructor fired her. Anyway, over time I think I was conditioned to understand that the body, under these circumstances, was as just a form and not an object of desire.

Would I attend a nude wedding if I had to disrobe? It would depend I guess. If I was best friends with the person getting married, I think I would...but saying I would and actually doing it are two different things. 

I work out a lot, so I don't think I would be ashamed of the way I look...but ask anyone who knows me (ask Angela) and they will tell you I am a very modest, reserved person. I won't even wear a bikini to the water parks my company manages (a rash guard top and board shorts is what I wear). I think I would probably go to the wedding nude, but I probably would feel very uncomfortable.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Imagian you lived in a country, or on a planet where it was the norm. If you went to a wedding you would see the bride in groom wearing nothing.

I think if it was expected, people would be fine with it.  Sometimes I feel like our phobia of nudity is unhealthy.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a nudist, but I think that it's not healthy to be unconfortable with our  boddies.

We go to the beach, wearing very little.  The swimwear that girls wear are nonprotective from the sun, do not conceal the body (very well), And they don't protect someone from the elements.  In many places in Europe, it's the norm not to wear anything while swimming.  How would you react on a swimming trip in another country where everyone else stips down all the way?

I think how women dress has more of an effect on a male than a woman wearing nothing.  In advertising classes, we learned that the almost nude body is more enticing than a compleatly undraped body.