Heroes - Season Two (Possible Spoliers)

Started by Geekyfanboy, June 14, 2007, 11:30:54 AM

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I found this episode to have a lot of story lines going, which they probably needed to do to wrap things up next week, but hurt the episode. I cant really see how the Sylar story will fit in with the saving the world from the virus story, as they have yet to show any relation. I think that next week they are going to have a lot of ground to cover, I hope the Micha/Nikki/Monica story does not take to much time away from the main story.


Quote from: Blackride on November 26, 2007, 07:06:00 PM
OK, I know most of the board loves Hero's but I just got to say this....

I am about done with this show. This year has done nothing for me personally. They keep starting stories like this cat women person when there is only 1 episode left? huh? Also, who cares about this girl and her brother that Sylar is hanging around? I don't really care about this year's story arc and there are way way to many story lines.

There is so little to care about right now in the show. Trust me I want to like this show and I have been sticking with it just like I did with last seasons LOST but it's starting to totally loose me :(

Sorry venting after seeing tonights episode.

X2, well said. Peter is a moron, the Mica story line is lame, Claire's story goes no where, and the twins story is so bad to be laughable. And I really like this show too. Huge bummer, IMHO.


Guy you have to keep in mind the show is being seriously messed up due to the writers strike.  They are only getting half the season now.  While I agree some of these new stories and characters are not the best, the season was not intended to end in only one more episode.  You really have to cut them a bit of slack for that.  Now, while I agree season 2 has been a bit rocky it is still, for me at least, one of the coolest and most fun shows on TV.


I understand that and the season has been ok, but last night's episode was awful. Peter just looks like a know-nothing side kick to Adam, following him around and his motivation is what? Save his Irish girlfriend?! The Mica story felt like an afterthought. The Sylar/Wonder Twins is just dull and I could have cared less that he killed the brother. And Claire and her boring boyfriend did absolutely nothing but mourn and trhreaten to expose her powers to the world, which we know won't happen.
It was just bad.


The only thing I can think about the Mica/Nikki/Monica storyline and why it is still going is that possibly one the 2 heroes we are going to lose is going to come from that story. Just a guess on my part, as it does feel like an after thought story. If the story plays out with Mica getting Nikki to help and she rescues Monica, it just feels like it is pointless and really does not add much.


I thought Mica should have used his power to turn the streetlight back on.  To frighten the thugs.

I think it's about time for Nikki to go.  The other I'm guessing will be Marie Osmand (my name for the female wonder twin) because Syler will kill her.

I would like to see future Hiro come back and end the fight between present Hiro and Peter.

I the heroes fans should caputre all of the writer's strike negotiators on both sides and lock them in a house until they come to an agreeable situation.


I think that it's going to be Sparky and Lady Death that bite the big one.

I also think that now that Peter has access to the powers of the Hatian ... Sylar doesn't stand a chance.


Quote from: space_invader64 on November 27, 2007, 10:23:00 AM
I thought Mica should have used his power to turn the streetlight back on.  To frighten the thugs.

I think it's about time for Nikki to go.  The other I'm guessing will be Marie Osmand (my name for the female wonder twin) because Syler will kill her.

I would like to see future Hiro come back and end the fight between present Hiro and Peter.

I the heroes fans should caputre all of the writer's strike negotiators on both sides and lock them in a house until they come to an agreeable situation.
Quote from: Rico on November 27, 2007, 04:40:56 AM
Guy you have to keep in mind the show is being seriously messed up due to the writers strike.  They are only getting half the season now.  While I agree some of these new stories and characters are not the best, the season was not intended to end in only one more episode.  You really have to cut them a bit of slack for that.  Now, while I agree season 2 has been a bit rocky it is still, for me at least, one of the coolest and most fun shows on TV.

I agree with all of this.  The writers strike is the one that hurt the show this season.  I'm fairly certain that if it wasn't the 2nd to last episode, that we wouldn't be having these issues.  I myself enjoyed the last episode, but I will agree that "wonder twins" which is now "wonder death girl" lol needs to end along with Sylar.  But we'll all see how this ends next week.  It should be interesting. 

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I thought last nights episode was good.  I'm just glad they are trying to resolve it before we don't see it for awhile.

Has anybody heard how talks are going this week?

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While I have a warm place in my heart for Heroes that makes me try very hard to enjoy it, I agree with many of the comments above about the weaknesses in recent stories. On one hand, possibly there are some problems with the directing, where they are just not keeping an eye on telling a smooth-flowing story. On the other hand, we are only now noticing how thin many of these characters really are.

In season 1, we were just getting to know them, and also we were constantly being surprised by plot developments and the overarching build-up towards the climax. This season, there are too many stories going on to spend much time with each character. We don't get to really understand why anyone is doing anything, so they seem to be making all kinds of rash decisions (Peter, Maya, Micah, etc. all seem to be suffering from that).

Plus, after last season's virtually deathless finale, I don't think there is much suspense regarding the climax this time around. Does anyone think that they're not going to stop the virus? It would be a pretty dull Book 3 if there's only 7% of the population left.

I just hope for a cool wrap up of Book 2, and look forward to an exciting start to Book 3 (whenever that comes out).


They will stop the virus due to the fact that the production costs of having a post-virus world would most likely be too high. Just my opinion.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


I just read this on E Online "Watch with Kristen" WARNING... it does spill some beans about the winter finale.. you've been warned!!!!!

Heroes Redux: One to Go; Three to Die
Categories: heroes
Hayden Panettiere, Heroes

"Two Heroes will fall. One villain will rise."

Trust me, that NBC promo dude ain't kiddin' in the Heroes teaser that aired tonight! And frankly, I'm a wee bit scared about the two impending deaths in next week's winter finale...which I have a little exclusive scoop on below.

But first, let's dig into what went down tonight!
Heroes, Milo Ventimiglia


Peter Petrelli Is a Selfish Little Prat:  Sorry, Milo, me still love you long time, but that was some ridiculous motivation you kept expressing in tonight's episode! Let me get this straight: You went to the future. You saw that ninety-freaking-three percent of the entire world population had perished because of that pesky virus, but your primary concern is to save some Irish trollop you met in a bar a few weeks ago? Yes, Caitlin is perfectly lovely, but if The Bachelor has taught us nothing else this week, it's that you cannot develop strong feelings in that amount of time. How about a little concern for humanity at large?!...Ahem. Sorry. Had to vent.

Claire-Bear's Never Been Better:  Okay, granted, I can't really follow her logic of how showing the world her ability will make her story about her father's death automatically true, but hot damn, Hayden P was certainly on top of her game tonight, giving the likes of Sally Field in Steel Magnolias a run for her money as far as believable and heart-tugging tears. (Okay, maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but still, I was moved!) (And psst...Worry not! Claire won't be crying much longer.)

Alejandro, We Hardly Knew Ye...   But we knew ye a lot longer than we were supposed to! Don't forget what Shalim Ortiz told us when he stopped by the illustrious WWK studios (aka my office) to chat: He was only supposed to be in one or two episodes. So he was living on borrowed time and should move on to greener and fan-friendly pastures. RIP, Alejandro.

Adam Is 100 Percent Bad Boy (and Not in the Fun Sort of Gangsta Way):  Lest it not be clear, Adam's sole intentions are to release strain number 138 of the virus on the population, in order to wipe the slate clean on humanity and enact his plan for world domination. Sorta makes Sylar look like a wounded putty-tat, does he not? (Not to mention David Anders' original evil mastermind on Alias, the delicious Mr. Sark.) This is some serious evil!
Heroes: Zachary Quinto


In next week's winter finale, three Heroes will die.

We'll call the first death Final, the second death Uncertain and the third death Reversed (thanks to Claire's miracle juice—yay!). (And no, they don't go down in that order.)

Although you may be shocked by all of these deaths—because they are all series regulars and very pretty people!—you probably won't cry over Final or Reversed (that's just my hunch). But if Uncertain turns out to stick, well, let's just say the Heroes producers best be stocking up on some hazmat suits for the s--t storm that's about to erupt! The fans will not be happy.

(P.S.: In other winter-finale news, Mama Petrelli just might be the worst mother ever in the history of the planet, while Noah Bennet has my vote for Father of the Year, while Sylar is the Comeback Kid.)


I'm glad someone else agrees with me about Peter's motivation based on last weeks episode!


What if Sylar was half brother of the Petrellis?


Oh boy, sounds like next week is going to be the week where my entire dorm floor will be cursing all week.  "Better turn on that profanity filter....." 


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