Hail from the land of Ice and Fire!

Started by Skuggi, July 21, 2014, 02:15:20 PM

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Hello people of Treks and Sci-fi.
I have been an avid listener of the podcast for a little over a year now and I decided that it was way over due to join the forum!

I hail from Iceland the land of volcano's and glacier's and I am about to turn 30 this next August...I've been a big fan of Trek for most of my life.
My handle means Shadow in my native tongue my real Name is Stefán (Steven) and at the moment I am working on getting my ass back to school to finish my study's (I am aiming to become a doctor of psychology).
...What can I say more...Well I am brought up on a farm in the east part of the country and I have always been a huge sci-fi/fantasy fan, I read about 2 books per month on average ;D and I have a wonderful girlfriend in whom I think I've found my partner for the journey that is this life :)

Trek wise I first got into the Original series when we got Sky when I was around 10 I think, but the series that "did" it for me was The next generation without a doubt :)

Well this is it for my ramblings for now :)


Welcome to our happy place on the net!





Okay the first thing I thought of when seeing your handle..
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"
The Skuggi knows!  ;D


Quote from: davekill on July 21, 2014, 04:17:30 PM

Okay the first thing I thought of when seeing your handle..
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"
The Skuggi knows!  ;D
Haha, so you are on to me and my dastardly plans it seems! ;)


"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx