G'day from Downunder

Started by Mojomax, April 30, 2014, 09:02:04 PM

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G'day all from sunny Queensland in Australia. I'm an ancient (OK, 51) Trek fan, originally from London in the UK that remembers TOS from the seventies and TNG from first time 'round. Not so big on Voyager and Enterprise. I've never seen more than one or 2 DS9 episodes and I'm saving all seven seasons for rainy day. I've promised myself that, one day, I'll watch the series back-to-back. Big fan of the movies except JJ's, didn't hate them but very so so on both of his trek films. Not into Star Wars at all, no idea why - didn't enjoy the first one at the movies and never went back for more! I'm also a big fan of older sci-fi movies like Forbidden Planet an thoroughly enjoy the TISF Podcasts on those.

Other than that - have a wife and two teenage kids. Stumbled over the Podcasts a few months ago and I'm gradually downloading and listening to the archives.

Great work Rico. Looking forward to interacting on the Forums from time-to-time and listening to many more of your terrific Podcasts.

Mojomax (Rob)


Greetings Mojomax!

Of all the great sci-fi thats come and gone - TOS abides.

Welcome aboard :)


Welcome, and glad to see someone from my demographic group.  :)


Hi Rob and welcome to the site! Good to see another fan of "classic" sci-fi on the board. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your contributions.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Rico, do we have other Aussies or Kiwis on the forums?  I can't seem to recall any.  Is this a first?  :)



Welcome!!!  Hope you enjoy the flight.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com