Severe storm rips through central Ohio.

Started by WillEagle, July 01, 2012, 12:03:14 PM

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Hey, everybody. Just to let you know we had a major storm rip through Ohio. The Governor has declared the area in a state of emergency. Electric may not be back on until July 8 for the whole area. We were lucky that we didn't get any damage at home but it sure is hot! Right now I'm at my sister in laws parents house where they have electric. I'm using his iPad to post this. And he has air conditioning. I had to leave my dog at home but she seemed to be doing ok. She gets cold easy so maybe shes not bothered too much. Please pray for the area. There have not been any deaths reported but there have been injuries during the clean up. A guy did fall off his roof. I will try to report more if I get the chance.



Hope everything works out! What a time to be without power.
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Glad to know you're safe! I pray that life can get back to normal soon for you.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Hang in there Will!  Weather has been a bit nuts lately!


Stay safe!  I know what you are going through but in our case it was COLD!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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What a week... Storm in Ohio, Hurricane in Florida, Storms through Maryland, Fires in Colorado...

Stay safe, people!


Thank everybody. Still no power at home but it came on back at work! So I am at work right now and the air conditioning is working. They said maybe Wed for power but its not looking to good. Hopefully its back before the 8th. Another less minor storm came through last night. It didn't seem to do anything major and they are calling for a storm tonight and Tuesday night. At least the storm last night cooled it down so it wasnt so hot trying to sleep last night. I'll admit I have it a little easier where i can go somewhere cool but its not like being at your own home. Thanks again everybody. It means alot to have your thoughts and prayers!


Will - do you have a basement?  I know when a good chunk of the midwest lost power in August several years back that we pretty much slept in our basement for several days.


Not having power is the worst. I can recall being a few days without when I lived back in CT. We have occassional outages here in AZ due to blown transformers when they usgae spikes due to excessive heat and air conditioning usage. Almost all residential power lines here are underground so storms don't take out the grid, thankfully. Hang in there my man!


I'll never forget the ice storm we had in '98. No power in the dead of winter with everything covered in a sheet of ice. My friend lost her house to a fire and we all camped out in my parent's living room in sleeping bags for warmth.


They had another press conference today but didn't have any new info on when the power is coming back on. I do have a basement but it's not as nice as the Rico cave.  :)
I don't know if we would want to sleep down there. We both worked today and the wife went home and let the dog out. It is hot in the house and after being done with her business she went and laid in the sun! I think she is dealing better with the heat than I am.


Quote from: WillEagle on July 02, 2012, 03:50:52 PM
They had another press conference today but didn't have any new info on when the power is coming back on. I do have a basement but it's not as nice as the Rico cave.  :)
I don't know if we would want to sleep down there. We both worked today and the wife went home and let the dog out. It is hot in the house and after being done with her business she went and laid in the sun! I think she is dealing better with the heat than I am.
When my house got wrecked during Hurricane Charlie it was wicked hot, like over 100, so I SO sympathize with you. It took about 2 1/2 weeks to get power back, by then we had lost a ton of our stuff to mold. Blech. Hope it gets better soon!
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Power is back on!!! My brother, a friend from work, and my supervisor are all still without. I hope they all get back on quickly. Even my supervisor. lol They have 175 workers in town to restore power. We started with 50,000 without power. A lot of the business areas have been back up so its easy to get gas now but for a few days kinda scary to find gas in town. Ice seems to be hard to find still. My friend, Jeff, had to hit a few places to find some and he happened to be going by a gas station and saw a ice truck in back. A crazy few days that will continue thoughout the week for some. Of course my door is open if they want to come over. We may not cook as good as my sister-in-laws mother but it would fill an empty belly. This sure has made rethink some things. I'm going to have some gas, water and other things stored some where so in case of another major storm I'll have some backup. Keep you thoughts and prayers coming this way because there is still a ways to go.