"True Blood" - HBO vamps

Started by Rico, December 01, 2008, 12:07:44 PM

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Am I the only one that feels kind of weird to see Rogue naked and doing naughty things?


Quote from: Just X on August 28, 2009, 08:19:16 AM
Am I the only one that feels kind of weird to see Rogue naked and doing naughty things?

Yeah, that was a bit weird at first.  But she looks a lot different than in her X-Men days.  I like her as a blonde too.


Quote from: Rico on August 28, 2009, 08:02:40 AM
I'm enjoying Eric's development too, but I didn't like what he did to Lafayette.  I enjoy all the characters, but I think I like Bill a bit better since he seems closer to the character of Angel on the Buffy spin-off.  I like seeing Bill try to stick to his human values and fight his vampire side.  In any case, this show is just a lot of fun to watch, for me at least.

I just feel like the whole vampire with a human heart thing has been done before, and I would kind of rather see more of the pure anti hero in Eric.  

Quote from: Just X on August 28, 2009, 08:19:16 AM
Am I the only one that feels kind of weird to see Rogue naked and doing naughty things?

Weird maybe, but are you complaining?  Plus wasn't she a bit naughty in "Almost Famous" as well?  There is some precedent there if I remember correctly.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Quote from: Rico on August 28, 2009, 07:06:16 AM
Eric is sort of a big, Viking kind of guy on the show.  The couple pictures and video I have seen of Dave make me also see they have a similar look.  But has Dave ever had hair this long?  :)

LOL, see! It is him. ;) Dave's family is Norwegian...and he's 6' 4", but he has never had his hair that long. He has, however, sported the slicked back style (back when we first met) that I've seen in other photos of this character. Hummm... is it Buffy violent or Slasher movie violent? I guess it is on HBO so the later is probably true. I'm just curious whether I should seek out a download or rental somewhere.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


The show can be violent, but to me it's never slasher movie violent.  Actually, the occasional nudity and sexual situations might be more of an issue - to some people.  It is an HBO series and they don't hold too much back, but I never find it gratuitous. 


Interesting episode this week.  In two weeks we get the season 2 finale.

[spoiler]I kind of liked this week's show - to a point. Although letting Tara get loose was dumb after all they went through to cure her before. I might have been tempted to let Maryann have her after she got away. I liked the vampire queen and felt she was played well. She acted like a bored little kid, which maybe after hundreds of years of living would do to you.

Not sure what to think about the egg and the ending or Eric flying? Can Bill fly too or is this something vampires learn as they get older?[/spoiler]


I was pretty disappointed with this week's episode. 

[spoiler]I know comments like these are Monday morning quarterbacking, but I think the episode would have worked much better if the townsfolk under Maryanne's sway were played as more sinister and evil than just ridiculous like they seemed to me.  There were so many moments that were just flat out stupid.  Rico mentioned one with the whole Tara thing.  Eric in Tara's mom's dress made was just dumb and not scary at all, I don't care how traumatized I was I would have burst out laughing if I saw that.  The egg/nest made me laugh out loud too, and I don't know if that is what they were going for.  Also Sookie's brother Jason has gone down a completely unbelievable route.  I mean I know the guy is dumb and not the most self aware person, but I find his character arc to be beyond unbelieveable.  His scenes now are just annoying, whereas earlier in the season his story was cool and interesting.  Overall I think I'd rather this be a dark, disturbing series, with some comic moments thrown in to release the tension, but it seems they are treating the whole thing like a joke right now.  I hope things change.[/spoiler]
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I'm enjoying every episode. I got what they were trying to do with the last episode and I loved it.


Yeah, I liked it too.  Some things bugged me a little, but this is still one cool and fun show to watch.  Not like anything else on TV. 


So season 2 down, I liked the final episode alot.  I think they wrapped up the story nicely and left things sufficiently "hung" to keep us all on the edge of our seats for season 3. 

[spoiler]I loved Maryanne's end, it was a great effect seeing her decay and die when Sam crushed her black heart in his fist.  I think it is pretty obvious that it was Eric who kidnapped Bill at the end of season two.  He pretty much said to the Queen that he was going to take care of Bill, and the black gloves on his hands would indicate to me that it was a vamp holding the silver noose that was thrown over Bill's head.  Anyone else have a different prediction? [/spoiler]
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I enjoyed the finale - mainly.  But I had a few problems with it.  See below:

[spoiler]It seemed very obvious to me that Sam was the bull.  Is Maryanne that stupid?  I mean I liked that it was Sam that got in her in the end, it just seemed a bit easy.  Especially since she knew what he could do and with Bill right there too.  I wanted Sookie to help out more, like maybe when Sam gets stabbed she gets so upset she lets out a burst of energy and turns the town all back to normal and they turn on Maryanne.  Gods weaken when their followers don't follow them anymore.  I'm not sure why they killed Eggs off.  Seemed kind of pointless.  And yeah, I agree it sure looks like it was Eric that grabbed Bill at the end.  Maybe a bit too obvious.  [/spoiler]

But still, overall a great season.


Yeah, after seeing the show, I have a few thoughts:

[spoiler] 1) It was kind of dull and anti-climatic. I think that maryanne was so hungry for it to happen, that she believed it when she saw what she wanted to see.

2) I didn't like how the horns became arms in sam's transformation.

3) I knew Eggs was a dead man from the beginning, it was only a matter of how.

4) As bad as I feel for Sookie, I really think Bill is an idiot. When you threaten an obviously more powerful vampire, you should expect something to happen.

I don't know where you got the God's weakening mythos from Rico, but in previous episodes, when they discussed the meneads, Bill was told that they were immortal because they believed they were and that they actually wanted to die, but could only do so when the god who never comes arrives. I think that it was just her hopes being answered that allowed her to believe, but again the exchange was still anti-climatic. I expected them to take Sam's heart, but I think that's why they had Sookie do what she did so that there could be a chase.

I think that they wrapped up the story too soon and wasted too much time with the remainder of the wrap up. While I really enjoyed the season, the finale was kind of ... meh.



A followup:

[spoiler]My comment about gods weakening when their followers or "flock" leave is a general statement that is typical of several legends.  The vampires seemed to not know much about Maryanne so they could have really come up with anything in the end - especially since the vampires still don't know what Sookie was capable of.  One problem with shows that build to a big finish over most of a whole season is it is hard to live up to the build up.  I thought it was ok, but I would have done things a bit different.[/spoiler]


"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on September 15, 2009, 07:44:22 AM
Oh well, on to Dexter!

OH YEAH!  And I'm almost caught up.  Just have the season three finale to still watch and then I'm good for season four on Sept. 27th!