Waffle On Podcast from Meds

Started by Meds, January 21, 2009, 04:20:52 PM

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As far as I know Jen, all the iTunes stores have their own ratings. If I leave a rating, it goes on the Canadian iTunes store.


Oh brilliant thank you so much Jen. I can't see itunes at the moment as still have no internet so will have a look as soon as i get online. Would be honoured if you would be a guest host. You'll have to think of a tv show shown between 1960 to 1980 that we can waffle on about. :-)


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on February 10, 2009, 10:03:53 AM
You're more than welcome to come and do a guest spot on waffle on Dan. While i'm at it (and because i can't skype at the moment) hey Kenny fancy being the guest host with me and kelly on a Waffle On about TNG? Won't be till April maybe May time.

Oh you know I would love to do it.. just give me a heads up on when..thanks. :)


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on February 10, 2009, 11:16:55 AM
Brilliant. Is this new or old Doctor Who?

New Who at the moment.

I used to watch old Who years ago (my era was Peter Davidson) and I remember enjoying it. I'll have to see if it is showing on TV anywhere and set it to record.


Different feedback on different iTunes stores? That explains an awful lot as to why I see very little feedback for anyone.

Just to reinforce things Meds, Waffle On does work very well as much because you're being yourselves as anything else. From what you say of your editing philosophy of leaving most stuff in, I think that helps too. Switching to some sort of BBC English from the 1940s would probably kill it.

Can you do a BBC accent?

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Ha ha. Yes i can do the BBC Chumley Warner style accent. I think it's important to be yourself. You'll see on the red dwarf episode that we also make two factual mistakes ( Quantum Leap name, Kryten is in series 3 and i keep saying David Frost ) because one we are in flow eg waffling on and two i like the idea that you the listener are joining in and suddenly feel the urge to say oi he was called so and so, this is my preference on how i want my show to sound though. It's a mate to mate style show. New episode (internet connection going live permitting) will be up Thursday night / Friday morning. Fingers crossed.


I like that style a lot. I think the best shows have that kind of dynamic between the co-hosts. It feels like you're sitting around having a drink with your friends just chatting.



Well the new episode is up and running on our main website http://waffleon.podbean.com and i'm quite proud of it. t has taken ages to get sorted due to having to change the file to a FTP file which was all news to me. Anyway hopefully it will be on itunes by tonight so please check it out and i hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for this thread Rico.


Already on iTunes Meds, it's downloading for me right now.


Brilliant i hope it works ok. It was a good stab in the dark when i was doing this new downloading stuff.


Just finished listening to the Red Dwarf show. Great job Meds, seriously. It was worth the wait. You guys continue to have an amazing dynamic. The production values are high, lots of great clips, it sounds like you guys are on your 30th episode, not your second or third.

Keep it up!

I used to catch Red Dwarf on PBS when it played here but I was young and don't remember much detail aside from the fact I enjoyed it. I'm now motivated to take another look.

Oh and once again, I LOVE your theme song.


Hey thanks mate great coments, cheers. If you want i'll email you the theme song. I've already had one request (he's on here but i'll keep shtummmm) so that he can use it as his mobile phone ring tone. (i've got it as well).



I can't wait to listen. It's next on my list. :)  Have never seen Red Dwarf—I'm interested in learning more. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I hope you like it Jen, i'm really enjoying this podcasting lark. Joe i've sent you the file via yousendit.com