Star Trek Fantasy Crew

Started by ShanklysRedShirt, October 25, 2011, 08:14:01 AM

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Hello there

I couldn't find it on the forums anyway so I thought I would let you know my all time
Star Trek fantasy crew. You must be so excited   :biggrin

Captain - the one and only Jean Luc Picard
1st Officer - Spock
Science Officer - Data
Security Officer - Worf
Doctor - A bit tricky as all the doctors are awesome but I've gone for the Doctor from Voyager
Engineering - Miles O'Brien
Helmsman - From an uninspiring bunch I'm forced to pick Nog - but only because I like the Ferengi
Barman - Quark
annoying crew member - Neelix
Ships Eye Candy - T'Pol
Ships pet - Porthos

Well there you go. I'm sure you'll completely disagree.


If there's nothing wrong with me...maybe there's something wrong with the universe!


i'm actually pretty close:
Captain -Picard
1st Officer - Spock
Science Officer - Data
Security Officer - Worf
Doctor - EMH
Engineering - Scotty
Helmsman - Sulu
Barman - Guinan
annoying crew member - Wesley or Deanna
Ships Eye Candy - not quite sure
Ships pet - The fish in picard's ready room (that or a tribble)


Here's mine
Captain - Sisko
1st Officer - T'Pol
Science Officer - Jadzia Dax
Security Officer - Worf
Doctor - Bashir
Engineering - Trip
Helmsman - Paris
Barman - Quark
annoying crew member - Neelix
Ships Eye Candy - Not needed ... look at the crew
Ships pet - 7of9

There was a missin Comms position that I'd give to Hoshi


Can I choose a crew of  Caprica 6's from BSG for my whole crew with me as the Captain?  :)  Too much?  Then I would toss T'Pol in there as my first officer...