Enterprise like or hate. Opinions please.

Started by mac1701, July 01, 2011, 08:20:44 PM

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Hi all.

Netflix recently made most of the ST series available for streaming.  Why not DS9 I don't know.  I have been skipping around and watching some episodes of Enterprise and I simply don't understand why this great show did not make it's full seven year run. 

I would like to hear your opinions of this series.  Good, bad and the ugly.   It's been said many time that the modern trek series needed a couple of years to find their footing and I agree.  The fourth season of Enterprise showed so much potential and I think we were robbed of some great stories.

By the way I hate "These are the Voyages" worst show finale in my opinion.

I look forward to hearing what you all have to say.

Love the podcast!



been going through some recordings i took of a recent marathon. i like it. though in some episodes (in my opinion) there is too much war, not enough discovery.

these are the voyages is the only trek finale (or any finale) that i have ever seen. i did only see half of the episode itself so my knowledge is limited.
[spoiler]when i walked into the room and saw riker standing there i screamed.  :laugh:[/spoiler]

all things considered i liked the show, it had a good plot with maybe too much war themes now and then, but overall a nice series.


I agree.  The Third season was a little too much 911.  It had some good  episodes here and there, but I think season four was so much better.  Love Similitude, Twilight, and E2 though.  Azaiti Prime was pretty cool too.  All things considered, this show went before it's time.


I liked the apprehension of the crew in the first season, like when no one wanted to use the transporter.
Enterprise had it's share of klunkers but mostly had really good episodes. A few of my favorites -
Season One:
The Andorian Incident
Fortunate Son
Silent Enemy
Sleeping Dogs
Fallen Hero
Season Two:
First Flight
Season Three:
Carpenter Street
Season Four:
In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 1 and 2

Sorry to see it end before it's 7 seasons were done.


I hope Netflix decides to expand across the pond and soon!.


Thought it was great and deserved several more seasons.


I loved Enterprise.

I think part of the problem was they could decide what the show was going to be. At first it was even missing the "Star Trek" prefix. They concentrated a lot on new elements not seen on previous series to try and distinguish it (and probably so they wouldn't  trample on continuity) where I think a lot of people wanted to see it tied into the trek universe more.

The Time War story arc was great but I wished they had bitten the bullet and made this an alternate timeline then they could have done great stories without worrying about how it related to the future.

Eventually they tried to marry it all back into Trek continuity, even trying to explain things like the changes in the Klingons etc but by then the execs had already made up their minds...

If it had kept going we could have seen great things like the Romulan War and the birth of the Federation on screen.... :(



Quote from: Dangelus on July 02, 2011, 08:08:23 AM
I think part of the problem was they could decide what the show was going to be. At first it was even missing the "Star Trek" prefix. They concentrated a lot on new elements not seen on previous series to try and distinguish it (and probably so they wouldn't  trample on continuity) where I think a lot of people wanted to see it tied into the trek universe more.

The Time War story arc was great but I wished they had bitten the bullet and made this an alternate timeline then they could have done great stories without worrying about how it related to the future.

Eventually they tried to marry it all back into Trek continuity, even trying to explain things like the changes in the Klingons etc but by then the execs had already made up their minds...

If it had kept going we could have seen great things like the Romulan War and the birth of the Federation on screen.... :(

Aye, there's the rub. They didn't know what to do with the show. I think they made the mistake of relying on time travel or temporal tampering as a foundation of the show. The temporal cold war, the sphere builders. Admittedly, it was difficult to do a Trek series that preceded TOS era. in my opinion, they avoided the challenge and took the easy way out. Don't get me wrong, there were some nice episodes. However, I got the impression that Scott Bakula wasn't quite sure of where to go with the Archer character. It was weird seeing him angry in season 3 and I agree, that whole Xindi thing left me high and dry.

Despite its initial avoidance to use the Star Trek name and set itself apart, what redeemed "Enterprise" was season 4, which Manny Coto crafted. It ended up telling so many TOS-related stories, which the fans loved. It felt a little bit like a tribute band, but made for interesting television sometimes.

Yes, it would have been nice to have seen a Romulan war as well as development of the relationship between Shran and Archer. It would have also been nice to see this crew be challenged by the dangers of deep space with their limited technology and overcome overwhelming odds — without influence from the future.

It's funny, I go on about all this time travel stuff, then find myself watching "Storm Front" again and again. I did enjoy "Unexpected", which presaged Federation holodeck technology (the Klingons laughing at Trip was priceless). Also enjoyed "The Communicator", "Fallen Hero" and "First Flight".

I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but "These Are The Voyages..." just plain sucked. They cheated the cast of some really nice closure. The last episode could have taken us through the years following the formation of the Federation as told by older versions of the crew. They could have given highlights of key events throughout history, ending up with T'Pol telling the last of it and attending the christening of Enterprise NCC-1701 in her wheelchair. How cool would it have been to see Ambassador T'Pol counseling a young half vulcan/half human who is considering a career in Starfleet but his father disapproves?

This series could have been so much more. I wish it had been handled better.


Quote from: Darmok on July 02, 2011, 01:20:33 PM
Don't get me wrong, there were some nice episodes. However, I got the impression that Scott Bakula wasn't quite sure of where to go with the Archer character. It was weird seeing him angry in season 3 and I agree, that whole Xindi thing left me high and dry.

I wouldn't be too hard on the cast. Seems that the same kind of executive decisions that kill good sci fi on Fox should be given the credit at UPN as well.

I recall an interview I heard with Scott Bakula regarding his role as Capt. Archer. When asked if he could make suggestions or ad-lib any scenes, I was surprised at how carefully he responded to the question. Saying the actors were not allowed any latitude, the studio made certain all cast stay with the script.

I couldn't find the transcripts online but did come across a similar story for what it's worth.


"I should just point out not to blame the actors in this. Scott Bakula had stated in an interview all the actors of this series could never ad-lib or make any changes/suggestions. they were basically used as puppets for the writer's horrible stories."


Firstly I'll admit that I've not yet seen all of Enterprise, partly to the way it got shifted around the schedule in the UK and partially due to the fact that I was burgled a while back and haven't gotten around to replacing this series.  From the bits I've seen, Phlox, Trip & Archer were all enjoyable characters. Hoshi, Malcolm and T'Pol are, for what I've seen, a bit bland and Mayweather, for me, is like Geordi Laforge, criminally under and/or mis-used.  I am looking forward to watching the whole shebang, but it will be after I replace  TNG, DS9 and Voyager, as the robbery has given me an excuse to re-watch them all again, as I replace them.


I liked Enterprise but did not LOVE it. It was just an average show. It had some great moments and when it did shine the most was when Berman and Braga were not writing the episodes. I think the first two seasons especially are a real mixed bag but the third season got better and the fourth was the best, in my opinion. Sadly the show was canceled just when they were finding their legs but by then they had lost well over half their audience. They were very lucky to have even had a four season run because today they never would have gotten a second season.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Quote from: Ktrek on July 02, 2011, 08:20:30 PM
I liked Enterprise but did not LOVE it. It was just an average show. It had some great moments and when it did shine the most was when Berman and Braga were not writing the episodes. I think the first two seasons especially are a real mixed bag but the third season got better and the fourth was the best, in my opinion. Sadly the show was canceled just when they were finding their legs but by then they had lost well over half their audience. They were very lucky to have even had a four season run because today they never would have gotten a second season.

Actually with the number they had then they would get 10 seasons if it was on the air today with the same.


Quote from: X on July 02, 2011, 08:32:05 PM

Actually with the number they had then they would get 10 seasons if it was on the air today with the same.

So you believe that a series at mid-season below a 4 would survive ten seasons? And Enterprise was at a 2.5 by mid season two. You really believe those kind of ratings even today would keep a show on ten years on a major network?

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine