Our new Puppy

Started by moyer777, January 23, 2011, 07:36:29 PM

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Well, we couldn't handle it without a doggie, so my sister found us a rescue dog.  She is an Australian Blue Heeler and we named her Jade.

She is very sweet.  Our cats are on strike and VERY unhappy with us right now.  :)

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Congratulations Rick and Amy!! She's a beautiful pup!! :)


That's great you guys found such a good looking pup. Blue Heeler too, I actually just watched Mad Max 2 a few days ago, now all you need is a Ford XB Falcon.



Thanks guys.  She is doing well so far.

Our new puppy Jade, and the cats are on strike at the Moyer's house

of course, we haven't had her overnight yet.   Crossing my fingers that all goes well.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Lovely dog Rick.  I hope the "adjustment" to her new home goes well.  Any idea how old she is?


Beautiful dog! Jamie's dad has a blue Sheltie who has similar color. Yeah, how old is she? Heerding dogs need lot's of excercise so get ready to do some walking!


That is a great looking Dog Rick, hopefully it brings a lot of happiness and companionship to your family.


She is seven months old.  She did well last night.  I put her bed down at the end of our bed and five minutes later she was laying on MY bed.  She slept all night soundly.  Now, this morning was another experience.  The cats have all ganged up on her and are growling and hissing.  Stripey went after her this morning and got a claw stuck on her nose.  Oh boy.  Jade hasn't been aggresive towards them at all, so that is good.  But I'm hoping they calm down soon.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Perhaps keeping them separated for a time would be best - if that's possible.  Did the cats go after your previous dog much?


it would be hard to keep them seperate, they OWNED Tess.  Two of them paid liltte to no attention to her, while Hoshi would rub all over her and and claim her as her own.  I am hoping they settle down soon.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Quote from: moyer777 on January 24, 2011, 08:22:54 AM
it would be hard to keep them seperate, they OWNED Tess.  Two of them paid liltte to no attention to her, while Hoshi would rub all over her and and claim her as her own.  I am hoping they settle down soon.

Well, don't leave them alone with each other, otherwise Jade may turn aggressive out of defensive-sake.  But I'm sure you knew that.

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Typically when introducing a new pet it is suggested to try and keep some separation at first.  Animals can sense and smell the new family member under doors and so on.  Then can adjust a bit before going full out.  I know that can be tricky, but the current pets obviously view Jade as a threat to their territory.  Hopefully they can reach a "truce" soon.  :)


Yes, I am hopeful they can start to get along.  I'm having a blast with her, such a sweetheart dog.

Jade actually fetches- Rick Moyer video blog

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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WOW!  She's awesome Rick.