Star Wars on Blu-Ray

Started by Geekyfanboy, April 17, 2010, 10:12:10 PM

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I think the site is being slammed right now Bryan.

Look what I got:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'domU-12-31-39-16-C1-2C.compute-1.internal' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /afs/ on line 25
Did not connect to host. Sorry, you can tell them it was error: Host 'domU-12-31-39-16-C1-2C.compute-1.internal' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'


I keep getting redirected to the Fox Movie web site!


Here's the direct link (I think) to the US site spot.  But it's still getting slammed.


yeah I got in but it says it's only revealed 19% so far. So I'd wait until the end of the day and everything will be revealed.


Email today from Borders - Star Wars The Complete Saga 9 disc set on Blu-Ray can now be pre-ordered for $96 (29% off) if ordered on-line.  May have to be a member but they don't charge for the lower membership rank.

As Fred Kwan said on Galaxy Quest "Just FYI Guys"



Thanks for the heads up.  Moving this to the other thread about the SW Blu-Ray's.


I like this box image.


Me too, I think that captures it well.


now all is revealed! yay! :cheering no more mysterious mysteries! ;D


Took a closer look at this image this morning and I am a bit confused why the Luke figure facing the twin suns looks to be wearing white pants as opposed the the leggings with wrap around the calf he actually wore. It doesn't look right.


Quote from: Bryancd on May 05, 2011, 07:12:57 AM
Took a closer look at this image this morning and I am a bit confused why the Luke figure facing the twin suns looks to be wearing white pants as opposed the the leggings with wrap around the calf he actually wore. It doesn't look right.

Well originally Lucas intended for Luke to wear white pants but due to budget constraints they had to give him leggings. In an interview he mentioned that all of Luke's Tatooine scenes would have Luke's pants digitally replaced.

I just made that up.


I also hear that Chewie will have proper trousers digitally created as to end any discussion of..well, you know, where is it?


Quote from: Bryancd on May 05, 2011, 07:12:57 AM
Took a closer look at this image this morning and I am a bit confused why the Luke figure facing the twin suns looks to be wearing white pants as opposed the the leggings with wrap around the calf he actually wore. It doesn't look right.
I'm going to take a guess and say that it's a wardrobe change. I think he's bound to have some white pants at the house somewhere.


Well I opened the link and boy that was a let down. Love the covers, I think they are great but come on wheres the pizzaz. That was just montage blending crap. Oh and nice stats at the bottom to show how great they are. Not impressed with that.

Will I but these on Blue ray. No I won't. (Ok I would if i owned a Blue ray player lol)


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 05, 2011, 02:54:33 PM
Well I opened the link and boy that was a let down. Love the covers, I think they are great but come on wheres the pizzaz. That was just montage blending crap. Oh and nice stats at the bottom to show how great they are. Not impressed with that.

Will I but these on Blue ray. No I won't. (Ok I would if i owned a Blue ray player lol)


I'll buy the blu ray set.  I WISH the "From Star Wars To Jedi" documentary was included as a special feature, but, whatever.  There's still a lot of cool bonus material.