Are Dooku and Anakin Evil, Really?

Started by ori-STUDFARM, September 03, 2009, 01:05:45 PM

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I've changed the thread title. Love the way it's gone.

Anakin, during the forgettable love scenes in Ep 2, expresses a desire for one person to rule the galaxy to avoid the complexities of government and political injustices. Padme expresses surprise saying that it sounds like a dictatership. Anakin makes light of it, but it shows where he is coming from. He isn't after power for himself. He has grown up very close to Papatine and it is obviously Palpatine or someone similar that he feels should control all governments. He is torn between this belief and the Jedi way (which is far from perfect). Mace Windu's decision to kill rather than arrest Palpatine is the straw that breaks the camels back turning Anakin.

I still believe that Dooku in Ep 1 and maybe Ep 2 believes he is doing the right thing. Seeing the same faults in the Jedi order that Qui Gon saw. The fact that Qui Gon is the first Jedi to return from death in spirit form shows his understanding is greater than the Jedi order. If Palpatine had not been around to manipulate Dooku, perhaps he could have been as powerful as Qui Gon was. I also think that at some point, Dooku realised the path he was on and just accepted it.


WARNING :offtopic I suppose I could just start a new thread but I'm lazy and this one kind of, sort of fits the bill.
Has it been revealed who Anakin's father was? Could Dooku have maybe.......? It's been said that the Force runs strong in certain family lines.

Shelby D

Quote from: ori-STUDFARM on September 04, 2009, 11:15:50 AM
Anakin, during the forgettable love scenes in Ep 2.....

I presume that you meant to write that ...speaking along that line lets be honest someone needed to pull Lucas aside and say " just need to get someone to doctor those scenes for ya." while patting him on the back soothingly. Some of them were downright painfull to watch.  :-[

That is a very good point though about him stating that

Quote from: ori-STUDFARM on September 04, 2009, 11:15:50 AMhe expresses a desire for one person to rule the galaxy to avoid the complexities of government and political injustices. Padme expresses surprise saying that it sounds like a dictatorship. Anakin makes light of it, but it shows where he is coming from. He isn't after power for himself.

Far as Dooku is concerned being his Father - Anakins Mother admitted to Qui-gon that it was basically a immaculate-like conception - heading into a direction I don't even want to roam towards. :D

Suppose they could have picked a few backwater woman up and done some experimenting. LOL that sounds horrid...maybe the Mother is related to Dooku...that would allow for that possibility cause that would make Anakin his grandson. Course there has been no information leading to such a conclusion - I don't think...


PS This has been a really interesting converation and I love hearing other opinions on it.


Quote from: ChadH on September 04, 2009, 11:27:45 AM
WARNING :offtopic I suppose I could just start a new thread but I'm lazy and this one kind of, sort of fits the bill.
Has it been revealed who Anakin's father was? Could Dooku have maybe.......? It's been said that the Force runs strong in certain family lines.

No official information has been released on Annikan's father.  So far as I know, the EU hasn't even dared to touch on it.  Will it ever be revealed?  Probably not, if Lucas decided that Ep 1 didn't need it. 

Beyond that, yeah, now reading this, you can see how Annikan started towards the dark side, it just wasn't spelled out for us.  I very much noticed the bit of crying that he did and you almost felt sympathy towards him because he realized what he had done.  Of course, if he really wanted to redeem himself it would have been nice if he had killed the emperor.

But then again, we wouldn't have episodes 4-6 now would we?  (Don't you just hate that?)

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I thought Anakins Mum had definatively said that there was no father and it was a Mary-esque type birth. Hang on.....was Lucas getting all anti-religious on us!? Was he saying Jesus belonged to the darkside....

(I am quite new around here. Trust me, if there is anyone religeous on here. I totally and 100% mean no offence by that. I am just joking)


Some think that Darth Plageius learned how to use the midichlorins to create life and used that power to impregnate Shmi. So Palpatine would have known all bout Anakin from before his birth. Interesting theory, better than the immaculate conception crap Lucas hoisted on us.


Quote from: Bryancd on September 04, 2009, 12:43:06 PM
Some think that Darth Plageius learned how to use the midichlorins to create life and used that power to impregnate Shmi. So Palpatine would have known all bout Anakin from before his birth. Interesting theory, better than the immaculate conception crap Lucas hoisted on us.

I think that Palpatine is Anakin's father. If you listen to the two stories, it seems like the student learned this talent from the master and the student then killed the master and so forth.

The way Palpatine presents the story, he should have the tools and the talent to create anakin. It would also serve his purposes for the chosen one. the man had more plans within plans than the Padishah Emperor.

Shelby D

Quote from: Just X on September 04, 2009, 01:07:53 PM

I think that Palpatine is Anakin's father. If you listen to the two stories, it seems like the student learned this talent from the master and the student then killed the master and so forth.

The way Palpatine presents the story, he should have the tools and the talent to create anakin. It would also serve his purposes for the chosen one. the man had more plans within plans than the Padishah Emperor.

Per say, His Father, yes I would have to agree 'if' that is what the intent was (to say that Palpatine was his creator) because they didn't really say how long ago Plageius died.

Anakin was fairly young in ep1 so a lot would depend on that. The you could say it was a horse race who had the intent first to create the uber-being if Plageius was still alive.  

Additionally - why Shimi? Clearly women can be instilled in the force as well so whats not to say that she wasn't part of this, unknowingly. She could have had the ability and never used it or known about it use it etc... Leia didn't know she had abilities until she was much older.

So Shimi could have been used because she was force imbued she just didn't know it and combined with more midichlorins.  

This is simply brilliant guys  :troopersmile



Quote from: Shelby Daelen on September 04, 2009, 01:18:43 PM
Quote from: Just X on September 04, 2009, 01:07:53 PM

I think that Palpatine is Anakin's father. If you listen to the two stories, it seems like the student learned this talent from the master and the student then killed the master and so forth.

The way Palpatine presents the story, he should have the tools and the talent to create anakin. It would also serve his purposes for the chosen one. the man had more plans within plans than the Padishah Emperor.

Per say, His Father, yes I would have to agree 'if' that is what the intent was (to say that Palpatine was his creator) because they didn't really say how long ago Plageius died.

Anakin was fairly young in ep1 so a lot would depend on that. The you could say it was a horse race who had the intent first to create the uber-being if Plageius was still alive. 

Additionally - why Shimi? Clearly women can be instilled in the force as well so whats not to say that she wasn't part of this, unknowingly. She could have had the ability and never used it or known about it use it etc... Leia didn't know she had abilities until she was much younger.

So Shimi could have been used because she was force imbued she just didn't know it and combined with more midichlorins. 

This is simply brilliant guys  :troopersmile


I'm thinking that Palpatine had to be a lord of the sith before Anakin was born. This would be the best way to establish how he was able to do so much within the first movie. He was controling both sides of the playing field and that had to take years to put into motion.

Shelby D

Quote from: Just X on September 04, 2009, 01:28:51 PM
I'm thinking that Palpatine had to be a lord of the sith before Anakin was born. This would be the best way to establish how he was able to do so much within the first movie. He was controling both sides of the playing field and that had to take years to put into motion.

Absolutely, still one never knows......:D I'd love to know what Palpatines background is too....


Quote from: Shelby Daelen on September 04, 2009, 02:02:16 PM
Quote from: Just X on September 04, 2009, 01:28:51 PM
I'm thinking that Palpatine had to be a lord of the sith before Anakin was born. This would be the best way to establish how he was able to do so much within the first movie. He was controling both sides of the playing field and that had to take years to put into motion.

Absolutely, still one never knows......:D I'd love to know what Palpatines background is too....

x3, I think he killed his Master to keep the secret for creating life and had a direct role in the creation of Anakin. In that respect I agree that he is Anakin's father.


I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a back story on the subject of Anakin's lineage. Perhaps Lucas was leaving a door open so he could re-invigorate the franchise with a new movie if need be. I think that I agree with the Palpatine as Anakin's father. It just seems more plausible IMHO.

Shelby D

Who knows what will be created next for the franchise.


Quote from: ChadH on September 04, 2009, 02:33:25 PM
I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a back story on the subject of Anakin's lineage. Perhaps Lucas was leaving a door open so he could re-invigorate the franchise with a new movie if need be. I think that I agree with the Palpatine as Anakin's father. It just seems more plausible IMHO.
No offense to Uncle George, but I don't think he has the planning to pull that off. Sure others can connect the dots, but then again I think that's why the books are richer than the movies because he only needs approve them and not write them.

Shelby D

The books on genres like this are usually always better because a writer is not as limited to how much the studios wants to pay and who they want to star in it and all those trappings. I mean they have other trappings but still you get the meaning. This is so fun :D