Dust 514

Started by KingIsaacLinksr, August 25, 2009, 03:42:41 PM

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Hey all,

I'm sure many of you know I play Eve Online, the spacecraft MMO.  Well, just recently they released some information on their new game they are releasing this winter.  Its called:

Dust 514.  

(Official CCP Release): http://www.eveonline.com/pressreleases/default.asp?pressReleaseID=60

(Massively Link): http://www.massively.com/2009/08/18/ccp-games-reveals-new-eve-online-console-mmo-dust-514/

The basic idea behind this game, is to turn an First-Person-Shooter, into a FPS MMO game.  This game will affect the universe within Eve Online by Sovereignty.  You are a soldier that is a clone.  Using technology related to the capsuleers, the four nations are using DUST soldiers to wage war on the ground of many exotic planets.  Those players may decide which side the planet belongs to.  

Its halo-esque, but with a CCP twist to it.  Its based entirely on the console.  No real information has been released on how much it will cost or if it will require a subscription or not.  

Anywho, thought I'd just put this here.  I like it because it shows just how much potential there is in gaming.  So yeah.  :)


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