Comic Trivia Quiz

Started by ChadH, July 23, 2009, 10:03:44 AM

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It starts out prety easy, but gets harder as you go. You may have to sit through a very brief advertisment before beginning.


I love these types of quizzes, but I don't have to take this one to know that I have zero knowledge in the comic book category.  I'm pretty sure I'd flunk this one big time. :D  Maybe I'll do the quiz for comedic effect— you can all laugh at my lack of  knowledge. ;)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I think I did alright, and I don't own a single comic book. Much common knowledge, for more special stuff watching cartoons helped, though. The first round was 9 of 10, second round only a few right answers.

6100 (bet only 1000 on the last question, as I knew I couldn't answer it.)


No pressure, the point is to have fun and (in my case) to kill time at work. :)


It was fun, thanks! :)

But I think most on the forum would do better. The comics I read as a kid was some Mickey Mouse and much of the French/Belgian stuff like Asterix and Lucky Luke. The comics I read today are online comics, I had a feeling there would be no questions about xkcd or Extralife. ;)

So how did you? :)


I did OK. :) I think I remember Asterix. Is that the comic where the Smurfs originated? Idk, probably wrong on that.(After further research I discovered that I am wrong. It was a different French comic strip form the Asterix comic.)
Any online comics you'd like to recommend?


Yes, if I remember right the Smurfs originated from a newspaper strip. Read some of their books, too. My mother liked them to practice her French, same with the Astérix books. There are movies about Asterix, both drawn and with real actors (oh well, Gérad Depardieu as Obelix, close enough to a real actor :), seems to be a European thing.

Well, with online comics I was searching for a good scifi comic and a good RPG comic, but I don't have the impression I found it (I also developed a slight allergy to elves, and they are just EVERYWHERE). Always open to good suggestions.

My present favorite online comic is Girl Genius. The story never seems to develop in a direction I expect, its full of details that make it fun to read it again and I care for the characters. It's Steampunk (not necessarily a fan of that, but seems to be the new fad), I like the style of the machinery and the characters.
It also is full color and appears like clockwork.

xkcd usually doesn't need much introduction, if you've ever been to a forum, you'll probably encountered one of their strips. Oh, wait... something is wrong with TFS forum, I'll have to fix this soon ;)
It's a webcomic of "romance, sarcasm, math and language" and being populated with stick figures it's more  your intellect than your eye that will enjoy this comic.
If you like it, you also want to check Abstruse Goose, it's not the same but similar in many regards:

Another classic is Penny Arcade, but if you, like me, aren't following the latest development in games you'll miss the joke. Happened often enough to me, but their DnD session with Wil Wheaton won me over.

O is an artist, he teaches and draws characters for DnD books and is a DM himself. But his comic isn't a DnD comic, more about his life and his friends, thought DMing plays a role, too. No long story arcs, not many *lol* moments, but I like it. He also has rants under his strip, a service I really appreciate the days I want to have a bit more information.

Daisy Owl is a newcomer, one day it appeared on and I immediately liked it. Can't tell you what kind of humor it is, it's just good. Not a *lol* comic, too, but I like a bit of understatement.

Count your Sheep: Beware, this comic is cute! And, as a disclaimer, I don't like cute things. No *lol* either, it's more a silent kind of humor. Or maybe it isn't humor at all but the smile on Mona Lisa?
Have a look, i find it hard to believe it's written by a guy (that's a stereotype, I know, how I despise them).

I have some more, but I'll keep them for later. Those are a bit stranger and not necessarily family friendly, considering I started out with Sexy Loosers and Ghastly's Comics (both no longer updated) and userfriendly you should expect that.

Please tell me if you liked any of them and I want to hear your recommendations as well! :)


Many thanks for all of the great suggestions Cosmonaut. I very much appreciate it. :) I have heard of Girl Genius before and intend to check it out along with all the rest of the links you've provided. It'll take me a while but I'll try to get back to you with my thoughts. I wish I had some good suggestions for you, but unfortunately I don't get alot of free time for fun stuff. Most of my online time is goofing-off when I'm really supposed to be working. :) Thanks again!


LOL Piece of cake!  The quiz took too long to cycle to each question.  

I missed one though, with a final score of 46,920.   ;D

Anyone think they can take me?  Come on; don't be scared.  ;)


I got a final score of: Your score: 63,800


LOL. I guessed at most of the answers and the ones I did know were very simple. I did watch superhero cartoons as a kid so I guess I possess some comic knowledge. :D

I scored 3700, I bet 300 on the last question because I was pretty sure I wouldn't know it. I didn't, but I guessed right.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: Just X on July 24, 2009, 07:59:07 PM
I got a final score of: Your score: 63,800

Impressive... Most impressive  :Bow:


Quote from: wraith1701 on July 25, 2009, 10:43:39 AM
Quote from: Just X on July 24, 2009, 07:59:07 PM
I got a final score of: Your score: 63,800

Impressive... Most impressive  :Bow:
I missed one question like you did, but I clicked the answer fast and bet everything on a list of names with one that wasn't a green lantern and suspected the question.