"STAR TREK Into Darkness" - 2013

Started by Rico, June 17, 2009, 04:46:54 AM

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LOL an all new character:  Lt. Commander Cumberkhan Mitchelbatch!


Yeah, that's some wire-work!

Crouching Mitchell, Hidden Khan.



you are making me LOL this morning.  Very fun!

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All kidding aside, why wait for the movie - just put in season 3 of Enterprise.

Devastating attack of earth.
The ship fighting overwhelming odds while searching for a super weapon.
Tortured crew and Archer's own drawn out interrogations.

Been there - done that - got the T-shirt.


Great trailer.. didn't help with who the bad guy really is.. can't wait for more.


I'll be interested to see if they changed up engineering for this one.


Quote from: billybob476 on December 06, 2012, 09:34:53 AM
I'll be interested to see if they changed up engineering for this one.

Please Lord, make it so.



All I'm going to say is:

I'm not impressed.

Yes, I realize this shocks a total of 0 people on this forum. ;).
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Wow, very interesting. For the record I think the "hand" scene is just a homage to TWOK as this is film number 2 of the reboot and the long standing rumour was that Khan was going to be in this (and perhaps originally was intended to be).

The truth is it doesn't fit anybody we know of 100% even with this extra information from the trailer. I suppose if could be Khan but I still can't see how Cumberbatch would be cast in that role. His abilities seem to indicate he is enhanced....

Perhaps Prime Spock warned Kirk that the Botany Bay was out there and they got to it early to prevent history repeating itself, something happens to Khan and this guy escapes and wants revenge?


Wow, that was quite the trailer. Certainly does bring up a lot of questions on who the Villain is. The break down on it was pretty good as well. Will be interesting to see how much of a role the Klingons play in this one, I get the feeling maybe not much more then a few scenes.


Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on December 06, 2012, 10:28:31 AM
All I'm going to say is:

I'm not impressed.

Yes, I realize this shocks a total of 0 people on this forum. ;).

But of course. WHY would you be impressed Tim? I mean, it's a franchise...people will have to PAY to see it....it's not "free-ware"...it's part of a "Big Evil Corporate Machine"...dude, you're not impressed with anything, so let me ask this: WHY BOTHER? You seem to pretty much hate everything, huh? Don't really LIKE much of anything. Don't care, I think these trailers ROCKED the dang house, and I think this movie will ROCK THE DANG HOUSE, and if Tim doesn't like it...not impressed! :)


I suspect they may establish the Klingons and then have Mr. Villainbatch plow through them like a hot knife through butter to prove how powerful he is.