Family Guy "It's a Trap"

Started by Geekyfanboy, March 09, 2009, 11:06:37 AM

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I think this was a no brainer..

"Family Guy" Will Spoof "Jedi"
March 5, 2009 by Michael Hickerson   || Category: TV

Following the success of the "Blue Harvest" episode of "Family Guy," it was inevitable that the series would lampoon and satirize the other two installments in the original "Star Wars" trilogy.

"The Empire Strikes Back" spoof will air next fall according to the Hollywood Reporter and now the cast has just completed a table-read of a script for "Return of the Jedi."

The show's previously announced parody of "The Empire Strikes Back" is titled "Something-Something-Something Dark Side."

The spoof is a win/win for everyone.  It was a ratings-hit and sold well on DVD.  The episodes were then included on the box-set for that season of "Family Guy."  High ratings, plus multiple chances to sell the episode on DVD or Blu-Ray equals more spoofs....


Looking forward to both of these and the TNG episode! Family Guy is awesome.





Blu-Ray cover.  Looks great!



Bryancd, not that funny at all. I thought the first one, "Blue Harvest" was very funny and "Something Darkside" was pretty good, but this was just dull. I think maybe I laughed twice the whole time. I bought the blu-ray box set and I am looking forward to watching the first two again, but this last one gets a big  :thumbsdown.


Yeah, I enjoyed Robot Chicken #3 a lot more than "It's a Trap".  When I finished Family Guy, I actually felt a bit...sick?  Dirty?  Not sure what emotion it was.  Even by Family Guy's standard this was pretty terrible.  I wonder just how serious he was in the beginning scroller, I thought it was tongue-in-cheeck, but by the end of it you begin to wonder. 

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Thanks for the Info guys. I had watched Something Something Darkside a few weeks back on TV, but did not find it as good as Blue Harvest. I found it missing really funny gags like Blue Harvest (Han and the Couch), and just sort of felt like a retelling of ESB. Sounds like It's a Trap isn't much better, so will just wait until that comes on TV, as does not sound like there would be any rush to see it. I don't watch Family Guy regularly, so I am probably missing a bit on the references as well.


Quote from: jedijeff on January 09, 2011, 10:57:17 AM
Thanks for the Info guys. I had watched Something Something Darkside a few weeks back on TV, but did not find it as good as Blue Harvest. I found it missing really funny gags like Blue Harvest (Han and the Couch), and just sort of felt like a retelling of ESB. Sounds like It's a Trap isn't much better, so will just wait until that comes on TV, as does not sound like there would be any rush to see it. I don't watch Family Guy regularly, so I am probably missing a bit on the references as well.

That's a great point, Jeff. The biggest problem with "It's a Trap" is it's almost a too literal retelling of ROTJ, even more so than "Darkside" was. I agree, loved Han with the couch bit. I don't watch family guy either.


I think there are some subtle hints at the start of the show that this installment might be not as good as previous ones... ;)

Title Crawl: Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in order to - okay, you know what, we don't care. We were thinking of not even doing this one. Fox made us do it. When we did "Blue Harvest", they said, "Oh, you guys are crazy." They tried to talk us out of it, and it ended up making a ton of money. By then we just finishing "Empire", and we were absolutely exhausted. But Fox suddenly had dollar signs in their eyes, and they said, "Seth, if you don't do "Jedi", we're not gonna let you leave to go direct your movie."
Title Crawl: Look, just do me a huge favor and lower your expectations, okay? Just this one time. I promise I'll make it up to you. I mean "Star Wars" , fine. "Empire" - still not bad. But on this one we ran out of gas. Seriously, we let the assistants write it. Hell, even the Fed Ex guy got a joke in, and he calls the baby "Steve." Anyway, here's "Return of the Jedi" starring Steve as Darth Vader.