Whitby pics

Started by Dangelus, March 07, 2009, 11:35:16 AM

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Got some pictures from our little break in Whitby.

General view of the harbour

The ruins of Whitby Abbey

A couple of the church where the famous Captain Cook used to work in

My wife Laura and our beautiful daughter Isabel

We had a lovely time and it was a nice break. The weather could have been warmer but it was about right for the time of year.


Great photos Dan, thanks for sharing. Whitby reminds me of The Brittas Empire, I'm sure it was Whitby new town leasure centre LOL. Got love ruins and cemetery's


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on March 07, 2009, 12:11:59 PM
Great photos Dan, thanks for sharing. Whitby reminds me of The Brittas Empire, I'm sure it was Whitby new town leasure centre LOL. Got love ruins and cemetery's

It was Whitbury New Town leisure centre, probably meant to be like it.

I had a great shot of the ruins by stepping over a roped off area and then my batteries went flat! Typical...


Have you had your holiday to recover from the holiday?

Never been to Whitby but I so like looking round a good set of ruins.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Quote from: Feathers on March 07, 2009, 12:36:04 PM
Have you had your holiday to recover from the holiday?

Never been to Whitby but I so like looking round a good set of ruins.

Back to work on Monday but as you know having a toddler you're never on holiday!  ;)


Its so green.  Great pictures.


Lovely, lovely! Great shot of the missus and the little one!


Great pictures!  Thanks for sharing!

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Love the pictures.. thanks for sharing.
