T-Day: Watcha Eatin'?

Started by wraith1701, November 27, 2008, 09:18:43 AM

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Couldn't get away to see the family or friends this year, but it's all good.  I get to practice my bachelor cooking skills!  Preparing some Cajun-style smoked Turkey breast, along with green bean casserole, asparagus tips, cornbread stuffing, candied yams, creamed corn, baked apples, and mac and cheese.  Looks like I'll be hip deep in leftovers for a week.

What are y'all having?


Whatever our host's are making! We are bringing an apple pie and my mom's homemade bread pudding for dessert. Oh, and lot's of wine!


Yeah not sure but I know we are having Turkey, having Thanksgiving at my Mom's this year.. I was asked to bring candied yam.. so we're having Turkey and candied yam for sure :)


Turkey, etc. at Lynn's brothers house.  We are bringing pumpkin pie's that Lynn made - none better!


Quote from: wraith1701 on November 27, 2008, 09:18:43 AM
Couldn't get away to see the family or friends this year, but it's all good.  I get to practice my bachelor cooking skills!  Preparing some Cajun-style smoked Turkey breast, along with green bean casserole, asparagus tips, cornbread stuffing, candied yams, creamed corn, baked apples, and mac and cheese.  Looks like I'll be hip deep in leftovers for a week.

What are y'all having?

In anticipation of the turkey overload, I ate crawfish, catfish, and then made some sausage jambalaya last night to "cleanse the pallet" with something from home.

Today it's going to be the usual ham and turkey and other things. I was thinking to visit my friend in Plymouth, but changed my mind. The rock is kinda tiny and not worth the hour drive.


Neither my wife or I have family near by and so we always celebrate Thanksgiving by taking in a movie and eating Turkey dinner at The Cracker Barrel restaurant. It's been our tradition since we married and it's not likely to change any year too soon! Besides we never have to prepare or cleanup! :)

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


We are doing several nice dishes here. 
Turkey, stuffing, chip and dip, veggies, mashed potatoes, shrimp and home made rolls.  Mmm.  Gonna eat in an hour or so!

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