What's Your Favorite sci-fi books?

Started by davekill, May 08, 2008, 09:07:42 PM

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A couple of books that have left me thinking about the story for months after are:

Adrift In A Boneyard by Robert Lewis Taylor
The Earth Abides by George R. Stewart

honorable mention:
A Spectre is Haunting Texas by Fritz Leiber


Those all sound cool.  What are they about?


Adrift In A Boneyard and The Earth Abides are "last man on earth" stories.
Sort of like I Am Legend, but without the vampires.

A Spectre Is Haunting Texas is an interesting parody of political science fiction.

A man born in an orbiting habitat returns to his family home in Canada only to find that it has now become "North Texas" in what is left of our civilization.
Guess I should add that since living in weightlessness this man has no muscles except in his fingers and toes. He has to wear a powered metal exo-skeleton to walk in Earth gravity. He wears a black cloak over it - which scares most people.