Newest Addition to my Collection - MR Boba Fett Helmet LE

Started by jedijeff, March 07, 2008, 08:22:57 PM

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On Wednesday, my late Christmas present arrived, just like Rico a few weeks back with his Lightsabers. I had preordered the MR Boba Fett Helmet last year, and it finally shipped at the beginning of March. Since it was the Helmet from The Empire Strikes Back, I really felt I should get it. I know there are a few nit pics about it, such as the Visor being tapered and some of the paint on the arm of the Range Finder, but to me, this Helmet is awesome. Also cool, is that the Range Finder has some flashing lights when you pull it down. I got number 453 out of 1500, and was surprised that I also got two limited Acme Boba Fett prints as well with matching number. I had preordered it very late, so was not expecting to get prints, since they were limited to 500. Here are a few quick pictures if anyone is interested in looking, I will take some more over the weekend and put them in my Collection Gallery on my website


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Thanks Guys, I am really happy I got this, and to get the Prints as well makes me even more happy. Now I need to find a better house and get this stuff out of my Dungeon basement ;)