My latest Star Wars haul

Started by Dan M, February 24, 2008, 05:15:34 PM

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Dan M

Star Wars is such an expansive property, and there's so many companies making fantastic products right now.

So, a year or two ago, I decided to focus my collection.  I chose three of my favorite things.   I still buy other things which strike my fancy, but I concentrate on:

Imperial Royal Guards: not particularly interesting characters, but I've been in love with the design since the moment I saw it.

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Pilot: As a kid, I wanted my own X-Wing.  You can have your karate gi-wearing Tattoine farmboy, and your pretty boy with the Yavin ceremonial outfit.  The outfit from that movie which I've always loved is the one where he saved the galaxy from the evil of the Death Star.  I loved in the comics when he'd fly around having adventures in that uniform.  In my young mind, he slept in that outfit.  Who wouldn't?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Sometime in my early 20s, I realized that I liked Ben more than I liked Luke.  That crazy old wizard never whined, he was always cool, and he feared nothing, even death at the hands of his evil former apprentice.  Then the prequels came out, and we learned that young Obi-Wan was the baddest mutha to ever wield a lightsaber, and that he was cooler than Han Solo ever delusionally thought he was.

So, I've focused my collecting on those three characters.

Yesterday, I picked up the Mighty Muggs Obi-Wan figure.  I know many of you might think they're awful, but I'm a sucker for cartoony variations of these characters.  It's about 5-6 inches tall and makes me smile each time I look at it.

Also yesterday, a more important piece arrived.  I won an auction the week before, and now I finally have the Gentle Giant Luke X-Wing minibust.  This thing is awesome.  It looks just like Mark Hamill in '77.  I can almost hear him saying "you don't believe in the force, do you?"  I don't think any other company has made a Luke in any format with a better likeness.  This has been a glaring hole in my collection, and I got it for a very reasonable price (less than original retail).


Nice items!  I like the Mighty Muggs stuff.  I picked up the Vader a couple weeks back.  Nice bust of Luke too.  I know what you mean about so much stuff.  You have to limit yourself to a degree.


Great Stuff Dan, glad to hear you got the GG bust for a good price. I like the mighty Muggs as well, have not seen them up in Canada yet, so I am hoping I see them at some upcoming toy shows at least.


The Mighty Mugg is cool, but the GG bust is incredible!  I'm always amazed by the amount of detail Gentle Giant manages to sculpt into the mini-busts... the transparent flight goggles are a really nice touch.

Congrats on a great haul!