
Started by Jen, March 13, 2006, 10:31:44 AM

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Hi all.  My name's Jenny, call me Jen.  I wrote Rico a few weeks ago and he read it on his podcast...so, its probably not necessary to go into more detail.  Love the show Rico, keep up the good work.  This week's podcast was particularly good.  I loved the fight scene in the bar between Scotty and the Klingons in the Trouble With Tribbles.  Reminds me of one of my favorite classic (non sci-fi) movies...The Quiet Man. Instead of Scottish bar fights, it features a really good Irish one.  Check it out, when you need a little break from sci-fi.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Glad to see you Jen.  I remember your email.  Welcome to the forums!  Everyone here is pretty cool.  Except that "Q" character.  He's an odd one.   ;)


Hey Jen.. welcome to our little piece of cyberspace...  :cheering


Welcome, watch out for Q indeed he may so something Q-ish


Hey, I'm odd too. :P I think. Welcome Jen.
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


yeah, welcome. i love that episode. i love it when scotty fights.
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