Captain America Alive & Well - Kind Of!

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 31, 2008, 11:09:33 AM

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Marvel Comics, has resurrected the very hero they killed off last year. Well, that's not totally accurate.

Steve Rogers, the man in the Captain America mask and tights is still dead and buried at Arlington but Bucky Barnes is to the rescue, has put on the uniform, shield, and has brought one of the most loved superheroes back to life.

Bucky, now 85 in human years, but still young and vital in comic years, has come out of his six decade suspended stupor, under the control of Soviet bad guys to now fight crime, put away the bad guys and keep the Captain America legend alive.

"So he's probably in his late 20s right now," stated Joe Quesada, Marvel Editor in Chief. It was Quesada who decided to bring back the popular 1940's hero in the guise of Barnes.

"We were toying with the idea of someone new taking over the mantle of Captain America," Quesada said. "But we kept coming back to Bucky. Not only because he seemed such an obvious choice but especially because of the fact that when we brought him back as the Winter Soldier he was so incredibly popular."

Barnes has spent his years away buffing up his frame, and although he never partook of the special super soldier formula, Quesada believes he is up to the tasks that will be set before him and isn't too concerned that fans might reject Bucky in the role of Captain America.

"Not since the 1940s have we seen Cap being this popular," added Quesada.


I just read the new issue yesterday.  It's no big shock that someone else has replaced Cap.  I personally still don't think the real Cap (Steve Rogers) is dead.  But for now, Bucky is a good fit to "fill in" for him.


Cap isn't the only big name to die ... another marvel character took a bullet in the head from someone that turned out to be a traitor.


Quote from: Just X on January 31, 2008, 12:25:45 PM
Cap isn't the only big name to die ... another marvel character took a bullet in the head from someone that turned out to be a traitor.

Yeah; I've been wanting to read Messiah Complex, but I might have to wait until the trade comes out.  The only X-Title that I've kept up with is Astonishing.  By the way, does Kitty appear in any of the Messiah Complex books?  I've heard some disturbing rumors regarding her, and how she might not survive Whedon's run on Astonishing...

Also, with all of the talk about a secret Skrull Invasion, I have a feeling that a lot of dead characters might turn out to have been impostors...


I can't think of a single Marvel character than has ever stayed dead finally and forever.  Gwen Stacy?  Her clones came back, I heard though she was reappearing now that Mary Jane is out of the picture, it sure wouldn't surprise me.
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