New Voyages

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 11, 2007, 09:27:29 AM

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Star Trek actress BarBara Luna Returns to New Voyages

Original series guest star BarBara Luna returns to New Voyages in the upcoming episode, "Rest and Retaliation," written by veteran Trek author Dave Galanter.

In a recent interview regarding the New Voyages' TV Guide Online Award win, Cawley commented, "We are still casting the guest stars, but I can confirm that Barbra Luna will be traveling to New York to fill one of the guest spots."

Luna, who played Lt. Marlena Moreau in the original series episode "Mirror, Mirror," also guest starred in New Voyages first episode. "In Harm's Way."

"Although BarBara was in a previous episode, that was much more of a cameo appearance, rather than a starring role that will feature her skills as an actor," said Cawley. "I can't say what character she will play just yet, there is still so much about this episode we want to keep under wraps until we get closer to production this spring."

"Rest and Retaliation will be filmed both at the famous Vasquez Rocks in California, and in the New Voyages New York studios.


That's cool news.  I enjoyed seeing her in the episode they filmed with William Windom.  It's great that they are using these older actors on the series.  Just wish some of the previous Trek TV shows had done that more often.


This sounds really cool.


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