Comic book podcasts?

Started by Rico, October 09, 2007, 05:35:36 PM

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I'm looking for a good one.  I've tried a few but haven't caught one that strikes my fancy - yet.  I liked Comicology but he hasn't put a new on up since July.  Anyone know a good one?


Hi, Rico.  Here are a couple that I like to listen to:




They are both pretty informative as well as entertaining.  Hope you like them! :)


Neat!  I'll check them both out soon.


I am a die hard fan of Comic Geek Speak. The guys are great and they have just finished their 300th episode a few weeks ago. It's actually more than 300 with the specials, but worth it. They constantly get creators on the podcast and several DC and Marvel Comics including Civil War and Robin have their logo in the books as Easter eggs. Some of their names and segments also appear in the various comics.


Another one I like that is almost too funny is Quiet Panelologist At Work! It's funny.