Non-player characters (NPCs)

Started by Jen, September 15, 2007, 08:36:51 PM

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These characters are NPCs (Non-Player Characters).  If you don't have enough staff in your department, or need a nemesis, friend or love interest for your character create one or use one of these guys.  ;)

Add your profile in a separate thread within the Non-Player Character (NPCs) section. This is just a roster and does not give any history or backstory.

NPC Roster

Chief Petty Officer Frep (Denobulan male Transporter Chief)

Science Officer, Ensign Nareen Tev-Awash (Lorillian female)

Doctor Lucas (deceased due... killed by Lucas virus)

Nurse Chistrina

Nurse Galloway

Nurse Regian

Security Officer, Lieutenant Tara Stass (human female)

Security Officer, Ensign Christopher Dunn (human male)

Beta Shift Commander, Lt. Commander Daniel Tucker (human male)

Engineering Delta Shift Commander, Lt. Commander Elizabeth Plummer (human female)

Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Enapay Tashunka Witko (human male, Sioux tribal member) 

Engineering Officer, Ensign Marie Barton  (female, human)

Transporter Officer, Ensign Rojack Chad (male, Bajoran)

Shuttle Bay Chief, Chief Petty Officer Rina Grant

Diplomatic Officer, Commander Alexander Jack (AJ) Potter

Lieutenant Commander Westling (female) Second Officer (deceased, killed by Lucas virus)

Karenth (Klingon Captain...she could be like the Andorian on Enterprise that pops up from time to time)

Admiral Watts (crooked Admiral from one post in Season four and Six)

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Ensign Rojack?? Since when did I create him?  I'm going to have to look him up Jen as i was actually trying to think up an NPC.

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
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You wrote him into your scene where Starstriker has his episode and passed out in Five Forward, hitting his head on the glass table.
Quote from: Kinglinksr on January 18, 2008, 02:13:31 PM
Ensign Rojack?? Since when did I create him?  I'm going to have to look him up Jen as i was actually trying to think up an NPC.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


lol never mind.  I found him.  I actually just created him to be there for Isaac's "mental breakdown".  But I suppose Ensign Rojack could make a reappearance back in the story.  I'll post his info later tonight. 
A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Most of these characters are just used to get from Point A to Point B... that's the point... there simply background characters they don't have much of a role other than to flesh out the crew.  ;)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I'm working on Ensign Val Thesh (Female Trill) and crewman Talon Bowers, both from Security. I've used used once or twice. They were actually created by Just X in the Tiberius Series Bible v. 2.0. Is it ok if I develop them a little bit Just X?


Hi Pepperdude...Go ahead with Talon Bowers. He was a character created by a writer who is no longer participating in the RPG. See MIA/AWOL:
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Keep in mind like Jen said, NPC characters are just sort like "extras" for the RPG.  Any active Player Characters you want to create and run (whether they are the first or second or third, etc. you have created) for the RPG should be created and listed in the Player Character section.  Those will only be run by you (unless someone leaves and another takes over running them).  NPC's are to help flesh out the ship, crew, etc.  They can be run by anyone.  Hope that helps clear things up.


In response, I may move my NPC guy to the Active Character section depending on how I use him.  I'm still deciding though.

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


King.. please do this before we start the new season. It will be hard if we start using the your NPC and suddenly he's an active character. If you want him as your second character that's fine go ahead and move him, if not he will remain an NPC at least until the end of season, where you could change him if you wish.


Ah ok.  I'll decide by tomorrow Kenny. 

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Thanks for the link Jen. I'll just add a little bit more to that character profile. He makes a good NPC.