.....i grew up with Captain Kirk as my hero....am i the last?

Started by doc, September 14, 2007, 09:29:36 PM

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....i watched a video interview....he asked Nimoy if he was in the script in a telephone conversation....that alone shows his desire to be in the movie.....Captain Kirk is alive in the Star Trek Universe....you need to read some books....(sanctioned by the Star Trek copyright)....fat elvis.....i hope when i am 76 people are more easy on me.....especially if i started a series that most people love....


I've read the books, but I don't think they are canon. Also, the series with him alive is a result of the hollow death in Generations. IMHO, Kirk should have never entered the TNG era. The fate of Kirk was better as a mystery.


I have also read the Kirk Returns books and they are fun, but not all that great and certainly not canon. I love Kirk, grew up watching TOS re-runs int he early '70's and think it would be great to see him in the new movie, but it's not a deal breaker for me.


Just like in the Star Wars extended universe, Trek has gone on in many variations in book form.  But in both cases, books are one thing, what happens on screen is another.  This thread seems to of gotten off track a bit into whether Shatner should be in the new movie.  Since none of us know exactly what the new script is all about, this is a difficult question to answer.  My simple guess from what I have heard is he wouldn't be playing a very integral part in the movie, so it might be little more than a cameo.  Nimoy and Spock are suppose to be more involved in the story.  In any case, I just hope a good Trek movie is assembled, no matter who's name is in the credits.

Dan M

Quote from: doc on September 16, 2007, 10:11:01 AM
fat elvis.....i hope when i am 76 people are more easy on me.....especially if i started a series that most people love....

Kirk is one of my favorite fictional heroes.  However, in my mind at least, Kirk did not end up looking like Shatner does now, even if we ignore that he died saving the ENT-B.

Not wanting to see Shatner as Kirk in future movies doesn't mean I don't cherish the character of Kirk.  On the contrary, it is my desire to see a successful movie with the Kirk character that makes me not want to see the filmmakers try to put Shatner as Kirk in a movie where he doesn't necessarily fit.


....let me focus everyone in.....if they want to include the old Captain Kirk...they can make it happen....do i care that my old hero has aged....no i do not ...everyone ages....do i want to see him again in a Star Trek movie? you better believe it....fitting into the story....they can make that happen.....if you don't think they watch forums...you are wrong....they are feeling out the Star Trek fans right now.....and that is why i am a dinosaur and a few others here are also.....but half do not care enough to put their foots down....we can make it happen....but like everything in life....it takes effort.....and a will.......is their a Captain Kirk fan in the house?....lets hear from you.....a hardcore Kirk fan.....now is the time....step up....it is time....

     "I don't like to lose" Captain James T. Kirk 

Dan M

Is it Kirk or Shatner who is your hero?

You're getting a movie all about Captain Kirk, but you're upset that Shatner as Kirk isn't appearing.

Whether this year or 20 years from now, Shatner will NOT appear in Trek movies.  But I hope that Kirk's adventures never stop.

Doc, you ask "is there a Captain Kirk fan in the house?" but that's been answered already 

Yes, I'm a Kirk fan.  Shatner is an actor whose performances I've enjoyed greatly.  They're not inseparable concepts.


Quote from: doc on September 16, 2007, 02:21:41 PM
....let me focus everyone in.....if they want to include the old Captain Kirk...they can make it happen....do i care that my old hero has aged....no i do not ...everyone ages....do i want to see him again in a Star Trek movie? you better believe it....fitting into the story....they can make that happen.....if you don't think they watch forums...you are wrong....they are feeling out the Star Trek fans right now.....and that is why i am a dinosaur and a few others here are also.....but half do not care enough to put their foots down....we can make it happen....but like everything in life....it takes effort.....and a will.......is their a Captain Kirk fan in the house?....lets hear from you.....a hardcore Kirk fan.....now is the time....step up....it is time....

     "I don't like to lose" Captain James T. Kirk 

What's with all the periods?
And Pickard has made a good point, Kirk will be in the movie, just not portrayed by William Shatner. Is that your issue? Love the Shat, love the character he created, can't wait to see that character again as portrayed by someone new.


yikes sorry for the periods....whoops....yes William Shatner as Captain Kirk is who i would like to see one more time.....even just a cameo.....and i would like to see more Captain Kirk (William Shatner fans if you like....) submit posts....thx again....don't get me wrong, i am looking forward to the new cast.....but look above....i want to see that also....i am a dinosaur... who uses excess periods....

   "I don't like to lose"  Captain James T. Kirk  --Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


LOL!!! No worries and I don't think you will brook any argument here that Shat is, and always will be JTK. I would love to see that puffy face one more time on film, but I don't see it as required for the new film to be good, just a nice little addition.


I think that the thing at issue is that some of other Kirk fans have seen Undiscovered Country. That was to be the just one more time for the crew of the Enterprise. Then Generations was supposed to be the just one more time. I think that at some point you need to take the advice of another great captain. The line must be drawn here. This far, no further.

I love Bill Shatner. I even watched Incubus and tried to learn the lang to speak it. I found it cool that in Blade Trinity they were speaking the same language and Incubus was playing in the background of one of the TVs.

If they are going to reboot the series, they only need one person to bring the old and new together and Spock, who we know exists in the TNG era is a good way to bridge all of the shows and reimagine the franchise. I really love Bill, but I don't see a need to shoehorn him into the new movie for the sake of fans alone. The story must be the cornerstone and the driving force if this ship is to fly.


I was ten years old when Star Trek had it's debut and I was there and tuned in every week. It was my favorite show and I love Shatner as Captain Kirk. However, I do not really care if the Shat appears in the next movie or not. What matters to me is that Abrams and company write the best script that they possibly can, cast the best actors for the various roles that they can find, give us the best visuals that their budget can afford etc. etc. I want a great Star Trek story. If I had been Abrams I would not have gone backward to create a new series of Trek movies but that is what he is doing and I hope it all turns out right and that the fans will support it. If they can find a way to put the Shat into the story without messing with continuity then I would be happy for that but he's obviously too old to play a young Kirk and the Kirk who died was far younger than he is right now. I guess I prefer to leave Kirk dead. His death wasn't written the way I would have done it but at least he died saving the universe and making a difference one last time. Let's hope that whoever they cast as the captain will be worthy of the role and the icon that Kirk has become!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine

Dan M

Quote from: Ktrek on September 16, 2007, 07:10:02 PM
I guess I prefer to leave Kirk dead. His death wasn't written the way I would have done it but at least he died saving the universe and making a difference one last time. Let's hope that whoever they cast as the captain will be worthy of the role and the icon that Kirk has become!

That's how I feel.


 "and yet i can't help wondering about the friend i leave behind, there are always possibilities Spock said......"

            Captain James T. Kirk -- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Darth Gaos

Quote from: Just X on September 16, 2007, 06:38:04 AM
If it starts in the future with an older Spock, Kirk is dead. To have Spock think about older Kirk just to involve Bill will take time from the rest of the movie. I don't think a older Kirk cameo would be fair to anyone either. It's all about memories and mortality. Kirk is probably partly missing because no one wants to remember fat Elvis.

LOL...brilliant analogy....you darn near made me spit Coke on the computer screen
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?