Grüezi from Switzerland

Started by JohnSteed, January 27, 2006, 04:45:23 PM

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Found my way to this precious place due to the hints given on EL Radio.

I'm old enough to have seen the first broadcast of StarTrek ( Raumschiff Enterprise) on German TV

First I have been listening to the podcasts # 22-20, loved it, and today I downloaded # 1-14  (and already have listened to 1-3)   
Guess this says it all  ;D


Welcome aboard.. this is a fun group of people.. you'll fit in just fine. :cheers


Glad to have you here.  So happy to get some more visitors from Europe aboard.  Glad you are enjoying my Podcast as well.  :biggrin


Welcome to this wonderful forum, where we frolic among the grasses as we chat and talk about trekieish things. Lol.
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out


Awesome! Welcome. I'm sure you'll feel right at home. All these guys are fun and pretty cool. Have fun!

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Mr. Spock