Four Lights big night

Started by moyer777, May 17, 2007, 08:57:40 AM

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Hey Everyone,

Nathan (Four Lights) has a big deal going on the next few days.  His play that he wrote in his college writing class got picked out of the entire college to be produced and performed.  He has been working with the director and actors for weeks, and tonight is his big premiere!  Three students were picked to do one act plays, and he is one of them.  His play is called "Go Fish"  about a couple of girls playing a card game while realizing that each of them likes the same guy.  (Or at least I think that is how it goes)  Anyway, he's kind of nervous, the local paper called him this morning and he is doing an interview. 

So, think about him today and I will let you know how it all goes.  They are doing four performances.  Tonight, Friday and two on Saturday.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Wow, that's awesome, you must be proud! Who is more nervous, you or him??

Tell him good luck!!
Duffster is, The HugoNaut


"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


That is something man, well I wish him and you all good luck and I hope everything goes well.

So did you know you had such a good playwright in the family or did this come out of the blue.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


That's great! Congratulations Nathan! I wish I could see it.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Great job Nathan... I know you've worked really hard on making this the best... Congrats


I know this is  :offtopic but this whole time i can't stop thinking about Nathen Petreli and I keep on thinking (because of that) he is in Congress or whatever
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Quote from: HANCIDER on May 17, 2007, 10:06:00 AM
That is something man, well I wish him and you all good luck and I hope everything goes well.

So did you know you had such a good playwright in the family or did this come out of the blue.

I have written bunches of plays, songs and poems over the years, and he has always been fascinated by it all.  He has helped me with sets, writing plots, lights, fog, the works! 

He used to love the stories I would make up on the fly and tell him, and he still enjoys it when I read him my stuff.  So, I knew that he would like this type of thing as he got older.

He took a great writing course from a local journalist about 3 years ago and loved it.  Ever since then his mind has gone a million miles a minute.  I like to think that his love for Trek and all the great stories that it tells have played into his creativeness.  I think that he will far surpass me in the days to come.  Which, is a good thing for a father to see.  I was so excited for him, not only is his  play being produced tonight, but his artwork is on display as well. 

I will take some pics of him and the play tonight and post them.  That will be fun!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


I can't wait to see the pics!
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

Four Lights

The lights faded on the stage.

The darkness seemed to speak, as if to call my name.

I sat in my seat; it was cold to the touch.

All I could hear was the sound of my heart beating. The lights faded up…

…Finally the lights faded down.

A feeling of relief ran through me.

It was done; the last two months were well worth it.

(it went great!!!!) :)
"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Spock "Star Trek" 2009


"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Picked up the paper tonight to see Nathan's interview in it.  Here it is....

Here is the place the play is performed at

Here he is with some of his friends... opening night jitters!

this is a blurry picture of part of his set.  I am going to try and get pictures tonight of the actors.

Last but not least, the program...

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Yeah! I'm glad it went well. Cool pics! Did you design the playbill Nathan?
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


here are some more of tonight...

here Nathan is with his cast

and with his brother and friends...

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week

Four Lights

no... I could do better then that ;) hahahaha

seriously though...

(Im just playing!)
"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Spock "Star Trek" 2009