New Job

Started by Geekyfanboy, March 06, 2007, 06:09:10 PM

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Finally after two and a half months of being off... I just got a new job. I'll be Post Production Supervisor on a new TV series called "First Class all the Way" it's for the Bravo network. Don't have a clue what it's about.. i'm just glad for the work. Yay me!!!!!!!  :starwars:


That's great news Kenny!  Grats!

I hope it's a nice fun job for you


Congrats Kenny!  Sounds like fun!


Congrats man that is great news I will look for it to come out.


Kenny, that's so awesome!  Congratulations!  How cool.

Bless you my friend!

I hope it is a blast to work on.


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Way to go Kenny! Congrats!
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


nice, that sounds like it'll be fun...
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Thanks everyone for all your support.

Darth Gaos

Sorry if this sounds extemely ignorant Kenny but I have always wondered....

What exactly does "post-Production" entail?
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Well here is a simple description of a Post Production Supervisor. I am in charge of the Editors, Audio, Graphics, Loggers, Assistant Editors, Music and anything else that is invovled with taking the footage the production shot and make it into a final airable show. Production goes out and shoots it and my team puts it together so it can air on TV.


So, since I'm a would be the boss of me.  ;D
I bet you're a cool boss Kenny.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Thanks.. I like to think I am. Sometimes it bad that I'm so nice.. but most times it works in my favor.


Cool Kenny ma man!

We get a UK version of the Bravo channel over here so maybe I'll get to see that at some point :)


Thats great news Kenny, happy you have found a new job, good luck on the show


Hey Kenny that's awesome! Glad you found a job now. Now get to work so you can buy me some video games! :P

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