Which Trek Character are you most like?

Started by Jen, February 17, 2007, 10:01:50 AM

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Angela and I had this incredably geeky conversation last week and I thought I'd pose the question to you all. Which Trek Character are you most like? The character could be from any series and they can be any person who has appeared on the show.

I decided I'm a blend of Dr. Crusher (Gates McFadden and I share the same B-day) and Captain Janeway.

Doc Crusher- I try to be a friendly person, but I'm not as touchy-feely as Troi...I'm an encourager, I give advice when its asked for. I think I've got a good sense of humor, and the Doc always seemed like the jovial type. I have a good friend who's alot like Troi (Angela). I'm book smart but artistic and somewhat of a perfectionist.  I'm tall and lean, like the doc. And I always had a secret crush on Picard. :)

Janeway- I don't run like Janeway (listen to the Garret Wang Interview on the GeeksOn podcast for further info), or wear my hair in a old maid's bun  but I've got the attitude she does. I have to try hard not to take over or be pushy...She seems like that type.

I once took an online test to see who I was most like and I didn't like the result...It said I was WORF. What the ___?! Not a result a woman wants to hear. I happen to really like Worf, he's one of my all time favorite characters, but I don't want to be compaired to him.  One of the questions on the online test had to do with loyalty, I happen to be a very loyal person...The other question was about my ability to fight. I am trained in a martial arts form called Kajukenbo. I think it swayed the result. :D

What about you guys? Tell us who you think you might be like and which characteristics you share with that person or persons.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

Dan M

I like to think I'm some combination of Worf, Riker and O'Brien.

I like how Worf looks at things.  He sees things very clearly and he values loyalty above all else.  I also have studied martial arts most of my life, and I admire that warrior part of him.  I especially admire three Worf moments.  When he killed Duras to avenge his mate, despite the possible consequences to his career and his "name" in "Sins of the Father".  When he didn't give in to Beverly and Picard's pressure and let the Romulan die in "The Enemy".  When he went back for his wife at the cost of the mission and ending his career advancement, in "Change of Heart".  I think I'd make the same decisions in those circumstances.

Riker is a guy who enjoys life, women, his friends, a good drink and good times, obviously much moreso than Worf.  He also values loyalty, and we've both probably made the mistake of staying in "comfortable" positions instead of being completely career-driven.  I also dabble in playing a musical instrument.

Just because of our similar family positions, there's probably a little O'Brien in me.  I also like that we saw a Chief in Trek, the equivalent to an Army warrant officer.  I aspire to his sort of position in my work, not quite an officer (manager) but not just a lowly peon.  I have no desire to command, but I want to be a master craftsman in my chosen field, valued for my expertise.

I didn't know anything about kajukenbo, Jen, but it has a very interesting origin.


I'm getting a little off topic, I know...Kajukenbo is made up of five forms: Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu.

I really didn't want to try it at first, but I had to learn it in college...I had a weirdo-stalker situation and felt more comfortable knowing how to defend myself. It has proven to be quite effective, even though I stopped training after obtaining three belts. I stopped right after I learned to use the bow staff and only because I graduated from college.  I used to compete on my university's martial art's team and won fourth place as a wild card in a state competition. BOY was I sore after that...lots of bruses.

I think I'll try Hapkido sometime in the near future. I'll stop blathering on about my "skills" now.  :D


Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I asked my wife about this.

She says I am like Worf on my bad days.. and like Commander Riker on my good days.

A fun boss.

I don't know---



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Quote from: moyer777 on February 17, 2007, 07:27:22 PM
I asked my wife about this.

She says I am like Worf on my bad days.. and like Commander Riker on my good days.

A fun boss.

I don't know---


"Captain, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!"
"Assimilate this! "
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

Four Lights

I am Wesley, the Geeky younger guy who can save the ship in time's of trouble. :D hehe
"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Spock "Star Trek" 2009



Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


We are both musicians.  We are both tacticans and share a similar style of motivational, 'management by walking around' leadership.  We are both passionate about our goals and careers while keeping a place in our lives for fun, playfulness, and love.


I'm the secret lovechild of Wesley Crusher and Reg Barclay.

Ewww, now that's a scary thought.


Tom Paris. I really relate well to his character. A bit of an outsider, challenging authority and the status qoe. Marches to a different drummer, that's me :).


Quote from: keozen on February 19, 2007, 03:13:16 PM
I'm the secret lovechild of Wesley Crusher and Reg Barclay.

Ewww, now that's a scary thought.
Yikes! LOL!

Hey Bryan,
I obviously don't know you, but what I do know from your postsâ€"you do sound alot like Paris.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: Jen on February 19, 2007, 05:31:39 PM
Hey Bryan,
I obviously don't know you, but what I do know from your posts?you do sound alot like Paris.

LOL! Tom and I are both good natured pain in the a@#'s!! ;)

Constable Odo

I would have to be a mix between, Wesley and Constable Odo, ((of Deep Space 9))
I can be couragouse when i'm most needed but i like to be alone and i tend to have keep to myself...


I'm probably mostly a blend of Mr. Spock and Captain Archer.  I tend to be pretty logical and sensible most of time, but if something isn't right I can get kind of worked up about it.  I've also been told I'm pretty good at leading people because they respect my opinion and views.  I'm usually the one pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes - if you understand my reference.