Idea: Played By....

Started by MrOsterman, February 06, 2007, 10:41:23 AM

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So in this LJ RPG I was in over the summer, there was much ado about who your PB's were, that is Played By.  Players selected actors to "play" their characters as though it was a movie or drama.  What this did was provide a visual for people to consider when writing out posts and to help visualize them when you read them.  For example one character I was writing was Major Alistor Burke, 7th Regiment of Royal Fusiliers, veteran of the War on the Penninsula, retired.  He was "Played By" Patrick Stewart.  I took an image from ST:  Generations, recolored the coat from blue to Red and BINGO we've got our guy in a dashing 18th/ early 19th century officer's uniform.  Then I found some more images to make for more "emotional" responses etc etc.

It added a curious element to the game.

Which actually leads to another idea, and that being "Should we register new forum names for our characters?"

Mr. O


I wondered about this too (the image to accompany the character). But I was thinking of altering my own photo. The idea could add dimension to the game...but do you think some people might be scared off by it? I mean, if they thought they had to include an image, and they couldn't find one they liked or couldn't make one work, would they change their minds about playing?
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I don't think we need to create new forum profiles for our character, that can just get confusing.. but I do like the idea of adding a photo of what your character looks like, I don't think it necessarily needs to be an actor or someone we know.. you can alter a picture of yourself or find one online and put it in your character's profile thread. Of course this can be optional so if you don't want to do it you don't have too.


Done...I'm working on it today.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I guess I'll go find a picture of one of the many away team members who never come back alive.  :laugh: