USS Tiberius - NCC 63642 - Akira Class - Specifications

Started by keozen, January 28, 2007, 02:57:11 PM

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USS Tiberius NCC 63642 Technical Specifications
Constructed at New Aberdeen Fleetyards, Aldebaran system
by order of United Federation of Planets, Star Fleet Command, San Fransisco, Earth

Dimensional Specifications:

Decks: 18
[of which 17 are habitable]

Length: 464.43 meters
Width: 316.67 meters
Height: 87.43 meters
Weight: 3,055,000 metric tons

Capacity & Crew Compliment:

Officers and Crew:  500
Emergancy Capacity Limit:  4500
Cargo capacity: 47,254 metric tons

Tactical Systems:

2 Forward Type X Arrays
2 Aft Type X Arrays
2 Type X Arrays located on Primary Hull

Torpedo Launchers:
4 Mark XXV Photon Torpedo Launchers, Fixed on rear section.
Carrying a compliment of 250 Type XI Quantum torpedoes.

Transporter Systems:

Personnel Transporters: 4 (transporter rooms 1-4)
              Maximum Load: 900kg
              Maximum Range: 40,000km
              Maximum Rate: 100 persons/hour per transporter
Cargo Transporters: 4
              Maximum Load: 800 Metric Tons
Emergency Transporters: 4 (beam out only)
              Maximum Range: 15,000km
              Maximum Rate: 200 persons/hour per transporter

Auxiliary Craft & Support:

3 Shuttlebays (1 Forward, 2 Aft [located at the rear of the saucer section])

8x Class 18 Shuttlecraft
2x Type 6 Shuttlecraft
2x Type 7 Shuttlecraft
6x Danube Class Runabouts
10x Sphinx Class Workpods

Popular Locations:

Captain's Ready Room - Deck 1
Main Bridge - Deck 1
Briefing Room - Deck 1
Observation Lounge - Deck 1
Officer, Junior & Senior Officer Quarters: Deck 2
First Officer's Office: Deck 2
Holodecks 1 & 2 - Deck 2
Holodecks 3 & 4 - Deck 3
Guest & Non Commissioned Officer Quarters - Deck 3
Primary Shield Generators - Deck 3
Sickbay - Deck 4
Primary Science Labs - Deck 4
Counselor's Office - Deck 4
Cargo Bay 1 & 2: Deck 5
"Treks" Crew Bar/Restaurant: Deck 5 (Forward)
Primary Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay 3): Deck 6
Primary Computer Core: Deck 7-8
Secondary Shield Generator: Deck 9
Transporter Rooms 3 & 4: Deck 10
Shuttlebays: Decks 11-12
Flight Deck Maintenance & Operations: Deck 13
Stellar Cartography: Deck 14
Chief Science Officer's Office: Deck 14
Main Engineering: Deck 15
Transporter Rooms 1 & 2: Deck 15
Chief of Security's Office: Deck 15
Lower Engineering: Deck 16
Secondary Computer Core: Deck 16
Brig: Deck 17
Environmental Control: Deck 18
Secondary Shield Generators: Deck 18

