Wizard World Columbus (Ohio) Comic Con!

Started by WillEagle, September 12, 2015, 02:56:30 PM

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I am going with my wife to this on Sat. Sept. 19! It has been a very long time since I have been to one and I am really looking forward to it! William Shatner will be there along with Brent Spiner as far as Star Trek goes. About 4 from Walking Dead which I don't watch and 3 wrestlers which I don't watch and Mike Tyson. Big whoop! Buster Douglas kicked his rear end and he was from Ohio! I'll walk by him and yell Buster, Buster! The original Karate Kid is there along with Adrian Paul who was the Highlander. I do wish there were more Trek actors there but all well it should still be a blast! Next Saturday can't come soon enough!


Have a great time!  Send in a report for the podcast too if you can.


Bought my photo op with William Shatner today!!! I waited to make sure he didn't cancel since there have been about 5 so far. Seems like a lot to me. Oh, well the Shat is still there!! I fun part will be to find parking because it is in downtown Columbus. So we will see.
Rico, I will be happy to send in a report to you. So looking forward to this!


Cool! Yeah, try to record something and if you get it to me by Sunday morning I can put it on this week's podcast. Have a great time!


I'll see if I can get it too you before you record.
I was wrong on people that cancelled. There have been 8! That really seems like a lot. To be honest though I really was only interested in seeing Brent Spiner and David Ramsey of the cancels.
Going to try and get there when the open so I better hit the sack.

Beam me up Columbus Comic Con!


Too bad about the cancels but that does happen.  I think Brent is currently going to be at the Austin con at the end of October.




The Comic Con was Awesome!! We had a great time. So much fun! I'll post a few pics and hopefully I'll get a report on the con out to Rico.




That is cool you got to meet Shatner and get your Photo with him. Looks like you had a fun time with some of the cars on display.


Great time! The cars were very cool and to meet Shatner was beyond Awesome!


I wanted to share another of my favorite pics from the con.
This car is really sweet and the wife's not bad either! lol
