Hi from the Rusted Robot

Started by Rusted Robot, January 29, 2014, 05:47:02 PM

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Rusted Robot

Hello all! I figured it was time that I joined the forums.
I've been listening to the podcast only since last year.  I only discovered podcasts about a year and a half ago.
I've already guested on the Ragtag Fugitive podcast with Rick and Chris.
My wife and i started a podcast this year.  It's called the rusted robot podcast and can be found at therustedrobot.podbean.com
You can follow us on twitter at @therustedrobot and my personal account at @darthvaderloo
Can't wait to get to know all of you!



Welcome to our happy place Shawn!


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


This is becoming a haven for podcasters!


I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Welcome!  I am feeling inadequate - since I don't have a cast of my own.  :)


Rusted Robot

Thanks everybody....great to be here!
