Ron Moore's "Helix" - series

Started by Rico, November 30, 2013, 07:37:28 AM

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Quote from: Bromptonboy on January 22, 2014, 04:54:45 AM
The wife & daughter going to Vermont to ski - my son doing a Scout weekend (I stay behind in case he needs help) - so I should be able to do a deep dive into this series starting Saturday.

Careful, you may find the creative waters a bit shallow. :)


Quote from: Bryancd on January 22, 2014, 06:47:07 AM
Quote from: Bromptonboy on January 22, 2014, 04:54:45 AM
The wife & daughter going to Vermont to ski - my son doing a Scout weekend (I stay behind in case he needs help) - so I should be able to do a deep dive into this series starting Saturday.

Careful, you may find the creative waters a bit shallow. :)
That's right - no diving in the kiddie end of the pool. 


I watched the first episode tonight.  It seems ok, but I am not nuts about it.  The ignoring safety protocols is annoying - but I'll keep at it.  Especially since I got a glimpse of Jerri Ryan in one of the commercials..  :)


I am all caught up - and not too enthused.  Andromeda Strain meets a bad Milla Jovovich movie (plot not her!).  :)

I will keep watching.


Anyone else still watching this show?  I just watched the most recent.  Still not loving it, but still sticking to it at this point.  I hope they wrap it in one season - unless 7 of 9 can breath some life into this (she still hasn't made her appearance) ...


I have dropped this one from my current viewing list.  Just too much of things I've seen before, the characters aren't doing much for me, etc.  Might catch up on it later if people say it gets more interesting.



Interesting thing is that I have a few friends at work that generally don't watch-like SciFI - but they are really into this show.  I guess they haven't seen all the others shows we have, so for them this is a fresh experience.


..not to mention what sort of an impact Jeri Ryan will have on them..


every time I decide to drop it, a cliffhanger or reveal pulls me back in.


When the show does character stuff it's pretty good. When it does creepy, scary, boo moments it fails. What is so ill defined is the base and the illness. Sometimes the base feels like a haunted house with vast empty corridors with a few people struggling to survive but then we learn the base is lousy with scientist all hiding or something. Watching the charate rs wander around without a care in the world back when Peter was in the air vents was so odd, it ruined the supsense. And the virus seems to be all over the place in terms of what it does. Some people become super walkers while others just cough a lot. ????


I  hope they don't try to keep this scare up for more than one season, and they have a solid end to season one (if there will be a season 2)


Last show may have done me in....

[spoiler]Watching a member of the CDC helping someone committ suicide, W.T.F.[/spoiler]


Yeah it is getting tougher and tougher to suspend my disbelief. 

[spoiler]That was a stretch.  what got me was everyone throwing off their protective masks, etc[/spoiler]

But it still surprises me how enthusiastic some of my work friends are for this show.


Tell me when 7 of 9 shows up. Maybe I'll try it again.